Because police/justice system in the US has NEVER been based on the truth.. it has always been based on vengeance and conviction.
Because police/justice system in the US has NEVER been based on the truth.. it has always been based on vengeance and conviction.
Take care not to glue your head to your shoulder.
“In 1955 in Lincoln, Nebraska, Reid helped gain a confession from a suspect (Darrel Parker) in his wife’s murder. This case established Reid’s reputation and popularized his technique. Parker recanted his confession the next day, but it was admitted to evidence at his trial. He was convicted by a jury and sentenced to…
“Prototypical everyday sadists”
I’m a libertarian,
When you got nothing else to justify your position, might as well go for a Mr. Fantastic-grade stretch.
They make it sound like there was general racial tension in the air. If she didn't have to deal with black people she wouldn't have said that. She's not a racist, I was just the situation she was in. It something, I guess. It wasn't racially charged in the first place. She brought all the racism with her.
will reflect that he was dishonorably discharged
I tend to not criticize something unless I’m willing to put effort in to improve it
From the perspective of the criminal case, a resignation is better since he loses some protections he’d otherwise have. Guyger, who was fired, was able to keep out some of the statements she gave (so-called Garrity material).
Can we please correct something. She had her screen doors shut and locked, she only had her storm doors open. I literally have done this hundreds of times in my life when it’s hot and humid outside. The way the headlines are written it sounds like she had her G-Damn doors wide opened, that is not the case. The police…
I agree. As much as I’d like to say the neighbor should have gone over and checked things out, the chance of interrupting a dangerous situation or just making an enemy of a neighbor (“Mind your own business!”) is pretty high at 2 o’clock in the morning. This is supposed to be why we have trained police officers.
If you believe most cops are good people yet say that they won’t hold their own accountable... then they are not good people. Giving cover to corruption, murder, and more is the opposite of good.
“Farrow’s effort to defame NBC News is clearly motivated not by a pursuit of truth, but an axe to grind,” Oppenheim continued, adding, “It is built on a series of distortions, confused timelines, and outright inaccuracies.”
Update: The officer involved in the murder of Atatiana refused to cooperate with the investigation and has resigned.
If we were a decent country that actually had respect for all it’s citizens there would be a national outcry for better training for the police nationwide. I mean other countries must look at us and fucking laugh. There is footage of police in Canada, London and Paris handling situations with armed citizens that…
This is infuriating. Not that it’ll matter in a conviction, but if anyone out there wonders why it might be a good idea to have surveillance cameras in/around your home, it’s something like this. Not only have them, but have them backed up to an offsite server and make sure that a loved one has access in case of an…
I realize that being labeled racist in this day and age is clearly more offensive than actually being racist and everyone is on edge about getting sued for using the r-word, but for the love of God, enough with the “racially charged” BS. The woman called the man the n-word and said black people are always milking the…
...made racially charged remarks to a parent