
Yeah, but all men benefit from this kind of thing, however tangentially. They get interviews, jobs, and promotions over women, they benefit by reduced job competition when women leave a hostile work environment. They are used by bad actors as cover, which secures their own places. Plus all that homosocial bonding,

Or when they DO say the man did something, they leave out the word “rape.” “Man convicted of having sex with 12-year-old receives probation.” You can’t have sex with a 12-year-old; that’s rape. Same with how Brock Turner is seldom referred to as a convicted rapist, even though that’s what he is.

-the officer peering inside one of the woman’s windows using a flashlight, apparently seeing a person standing in the room and yelling for them to “Put your hands up. Show me your hands,” then immediately firing his weapon. Jefferson was shot through the window from outside the home. The video then goes black.

First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?

This is so heartbreaking and violently infuriating.

According to The Little Friend, one need be an aunt with a dead husband who often wears slacks. I’ve got two out of three.

“we know today that people are easily offended”

Pray, what are the attributes of a “spinster at heart”? I suspect I may be one.

“I am an ally of the LGBTQ community...”

Cuomo, like most of the country, is so used to being transphobic that he said this. because “jokes, don’t take it so seriously”. Truth is he *doesn’t* care, because if he did, he’d know better. And he’s not the only person, by far. If i had a nickel for every “liberal” cis person who’s “joked” like this, i’d be rich.

What a lying sack of shit! I am not buying the idea that Big Meech, who did his business out of Atlanta and Los Angeles, neither of which are in east bumfuck South Carolina, was so well known in those circles that the people at the party would believe he was that particular Negro rather than a general Negro. This

I feel like a whole-ass college campus that’s 75% white feeling bullied by one (1) woman of color is a perfect representation of the fragility at play here.

So...white privilege exists but she shouldn’t have talked about it to the white people.

Im lost as to why a cisgender white male was moderating in the first place? Was there literally nobody else available for this? 

Noah has said publicly that if you come on his show, he’s going to treat you as respectfully as he would a guest in his home. Sometimes that’s deeply refreshing. Sometimes it makes me want to huck rocks at him.

Also, possibly shot for sleeping while black because Officer Chadsworth “feared for his life.”

The township’s loitering statute says there are areas of the township where loitering is prohibited. In those areas, the statute says “officers can question anyone they believe is loitering and ask them to leave.””

Is Splinter’s death the reason why the protest in Minneapolis last night (10/10) wasn’t covered on any of these sites? Not that I’d expect The Takeout to report on it, but I swore it would have been mentioned on Jez somewhere. It seems odd that such a chaotic event is receiving no coverage here.

I’m aware of how petty and unimportant this is to the subject at hand, but I just hate his fucking hair.

Watch out for that bus, Rudy!