
It’s the men who find the “being damaged” part so alluring. God knows I heard that a lot in my early 20s, and it took me a while to realize how goddamn gross that is.

He’s a man dating a woman half his age. Of course, he’s a controlling douchebag.

As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :

They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to

Nicotine itself doesn’t cause cancer, it’s not even listed as possibly carcinogenic. It, at worst, has negligible health effects (and even some positives when it comes to Parkinson and alzheimer’s). It’s all the other shit in traditional cigarettes that can cause cancer. The other shit in vape juice is unknown if it

While it’s not great that teens are somehow getting their hands on Juuls and using them to vape off-brand Mocha Pumpkin Spice

There are good men and women who carry a badge, but you cannot be a good cop. The system of policing itself and being a cop, has its foundation rooted in the protection of private property and the ownership class from any change it does not want to occur. Be that the recapture of enslaved humans seeking their freedom,

Yeah no kidding. That was literally where I could keep up with (when I was in the mood to give myself an ‘I hate this administration’ migraine) all the nonsense happening in politics.  AND-to get opinions here I wouldn’t normally be able to verbalize in a common sense way myself. I feel slightly untethered right now.

Cops are the protectors of capitalist wealth and the enforcers of the local caste system.

Perfect example of how fucking dumb these people are. They feel like they’re saying something really profound but really it’s just meaningless, confusing word salad. Their brains are swiss cheese. 

OMG trying to explain what ‘white privilege’ means to my family is a fucking chore. White privilege doesn’t mean that white people don’t have to work hard for what we have, or that white people’s poverty doesn’t exist. Its that white people’s poverty is seen through a more sympathetic lens. That our hard work is

This article filled me with revulsion but it did prompt me to do some quick wiki research about the Marshall Islands. It’s fascinating:

And they’ll never realize the hypocrisy of that action. The terrible conditions these mothers were in only reinforced their internal narrative that they were “saving” the child. 

Also: the population of the Marshall Islands is only about 50,000 people. The main population center is an island less than four square miles in size, and has about 20,000 people. He brought over more than 40 women in a little over two and a half years. Those are meaningful numbers in a community that small.

Can we as a culture please become much more skeptical of religious folks’ promotion of adoption as a “mission”? There are many cases of churches promoting adoption to such an extent that orphanages in whichever country that church as selected to “save” kids from begin adopting out children with living parents under

What a piece of shit. Is that deposition from the case where he almost killed a baby while throwing a bunch of furniture and shit out his 14th floor balcony into the common areas of the complex?

“Tell them to call me,” Brown said of the Patriots on his Instagram livestream Wednesday.

You have never sounded older or whiter, my friend.

Depending on the version your talking about. In the anime Karin (or Chibi Vampire in the English release) when Karin gets emotionally charged her blood “increases” and she has to bite people and inject it into them or she gets nose bleeds (in colorful cascades of flower shaped droplets.)