
My friend went on an Instagram crusade against all the influencers who were influencing by stepping all over/lying on/crushing California poppies. Then she expanded it to other people doing harmful things on public lands. (And made friends with @publiclandshateyou!) So no, their harm isn’t just contained to being rich

He looks like the president in a Lifetime TV movie.

This is what has always killed me. At the root of the whole “Actually, I hope Donald Trump stays in office, because Mike Pence would be so much worse” argument, there is the implication that he’s some master of the dark arts of politics. That he’s some chess master who knows how the machine works.

The judge should not have hugged a defendant. Family members can make what choices they wish, but the image of the judge hugging someone just convicted of murder, even if she’s remorseful, is just wrong. It hammers home how quickly whiteness erases sins in our society. That doesn’t happen for a lot of people who make

If she truly felt sorry she would have plead guilty and we wouldn’t have had to endure this trial. She’s only feeling “sorry” now that she lost her case.

Prosecutors asked for a sentence of 28 years because Jean would have just turned 28 if he were still alive.”

I know it’ll never happen, but it would be funny if during one of these press thingies everyone in the audience just sat there not uttering a word, staring at Trump. They just let him ramble on and on, him jumping from subject to subject with not a care in the world that it’s neither relevant or cohesive.  

Now the press is trying to sell the fact that I wanted a Moat stuffed with alligators and snakes, with an electrified fence and sharp spikes on top, at our Southern Border. I may be tough on Border Security, but not that tough. The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!

There are so many intersecting issues here and this is a great article. It’s kind of crazy making how much power hair has. It’s always been so weird to me how a hair style can supposedly say so much about a person’s values or personality or self esteem or how much their parents love them. Maybe it’s because it’s one

100% he either says “this is a coop” or we see the word coup written out phonetically in leaked talking points notes, in massive letters.

As a psychologist explained it to me: couples that live together without being married tend to make things up as they go along in setting the terms of the relationship. Since most of us come from families of married couples, there are no pre-conceived notions of what living together means, even if they have children.

Hospital visitation rights, for one. Also, if one of you dies and the other has an asshole family, barring a will, they could take everything of their kids regardless of it's importance to the partner.

A just society would have dragged Jeff Bezos out into the some public square and eaten him. Children are sleeping in the streets while one man is worth the GDP of Ecuador (That’s not hyperbole. It was Hungary, but he got divorced, and now it’s Ecuador).

Testify. And the reason we will have to eat the rich, why there is class warfare, is because these motherfucking plutocrats will not budge. They will not merely be rich, they have to hold on to all of it at all costs to the point where the bulk of humanity is being crushed. Ev

What kills me is there are so many people who identify with the BILLIONAIRES in the billionaires vs. everyone else scenario. They envision the government coming in and taking whatever huge percentage on their $50k/year salary and are suddenly like, OH NO PROTECT THE BILLIONAIRES! What is the quote, they are all

“Hyper-conservative feminists”. An oxymoron if ever there was one.

Not buying that these are feminists in the least

I assume this teacher also fasts on fridays, never wears clothes woven with two materials, doesn’t cut his beard, doesn’t eat fruit that fell on the ground, etc.?

I made this exact comment in my reply to “Bitter Old Dude” below (we posted simultaneously). If you look at basically any medical research done on PoC between, say, 1650 and 2000, you’ll find a LOT of good reasons to distrust the medical establishment. And the literature shows rampant bias by doctors—including female

The knots that people contort themselves to avoid a simple request (“refer to me by x, please”) never fail to amaze me.