
I can’t believe I feel somewhat shocked about all of the actual corruption going on. I thought, maybe, sure, they were gonna do all of the things we thought they would but that they would do it all secret like, that we wouldn’t find out until these things were declassified fifty years from now (barring global warming,

Nope, it’s ALIVE!

Whether to give a particular jury instruction is almost always a question before any trial court judge. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the trial court judge has carte blanche to give or not give whatever instructions he or she wants. If it’s a murder case, he or she needs to give the murder intruction.

The Pumpkin himself they all praised to the skies
Such a carriage, such ease, and such grace!
Such solemnity too, one could see he was wise,
From the colour he sprayed on his face...

He had bought a large map representing the sea,
Without the least vestige of land:
And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be

Not only that, but it took me a moment to realize the pic featured a child dressing up for Halloween and not Ivanka and Jared standing front and center. I thought the pic was about them for a minute, and that kind of behavior is on brand.

His tweets mystify me!

They do everything INXS. 

Odd, considering what a complete horse’s ass he is otherwise.

Trump’s use of the phrase “perfect call” is such an interesting linguistic crutch.

It’s a transparent non-denial denial. “Perfect” doesn’t mean the same thing as appropriate, ethical, or above-board. Indeed, if the purpose of the call was to deliver a veiled threat to the new Ukrainian president (NARRATOR: It was) one

I mean, cool. But, you know, maybe show some compassion towards all victims of abuse? Maybe we shouldn’t immediately revert to toxic masculinity and say “what a little baby for calling the cops”?

They’re scared.

Completely unsurprising.

Fun. I remember 47 years ago, when the investigation of possible Russian collusion first started coming out publicly, and the language of “treason” first started coming up, mostly from fringey-resistance types, and a lot of Serious Discourse Lovers started pointing to the definition of treason in the constitution and

It’ll only be a “twist” when viewed from the outside, looking in.

Most of the “small government” folks appreciate the laws, regulations, and statutes that protect their preferred rights and privileges. It’s one of the reasons most of the people who scream about keeping the government the hell out of their lives are

My blood pressure is—normally—on the high end of “normal.” Occasionally it moves into pre-hypertension, and if I’m having a panic attack (which hasn’t happened for a couple of years now), it skyrockets.

The biggest contributing factor to my BP sitting where it does is a slightly too-large love of good beer. I’m at a

Stephen Miller can burn in the rotting bowels of hell. And the lie in his last question: “Do we want to be governed by an unelected bureaucracy or by a democratically elected president?” is that the Electoral college is not a direct democratic election and the rules put in place make it very easy to manipulate

Man, it’s nice seeing lying liars get called out for being lying liars on shows like these! You know what’s even better?

“Me too frenzy”? Women aren’t coming forward because we’re so caught up in the moment, we’re coming forward, in a non-frenzied manner, because we realise we’re not alone, we don’t have to stay quiet and minimise or repress our experiences, creeps should be held accountable and there is nothing to be ashamed of. The

I really wish NBC had let this air as a single hour, like both seasons 2 and 3. It had some great moments, but I was a bit underwhelmed by the episode as a whole. Very curious to see what Part 2 does with it, though, since I always expect swerves from this show and this is clearly just a setup to something bigger.