Wouldn’t it be Tish’s fault by definition if her daughter were a bratty millennial? Isn’t the biggest problem with them their helicopter parents constantly telling them that everyone is a winner?
Wouldn’t it be Tish’s fault by definition if her daughter were a bratty millennial? Isn’t the biggest problem with them their helicopter parents constantly telling them that everyone is a winner?
I mean, I’d be infuriated if I was slapped and knocked down with my little toddler. Particularly if they hurt my kid.
was hesitating to say this, knowing that it may open me up to some dumb comments... but i’ve been both slapped and kicked by nieces, nephews, etc. who just accidentally got a little rough while playing around. if this guy really can’t tell the difference between a slap and an active shooter... ?
Feels like this article really underplays the fact that he also shot both of the parents, neither of whom were even accused of touching him. The grand jury’s take, then, is that it’s reasonable not only to assume there’s an active shooter without confirming it in any way, but also to subsequently just randomly shoot…
Ancient Chinese[1] curse: “May you live in interesting times.”
It’s not just that he has these sycophants telling him how he’s so amazing for handling all the crap he gets himself into, it’s that he has to tell other people that they told him this. It’s beyond pathetic.
The problem can be both.
Oh god, I’d forgotten about that one. When was that, like 10 years ago?
I’m not sure what could top holding meetings in a dark room because they were too stupid to find the light switch and too proud to ask someone who had worked there under Obama.
Can we stop pretending it’s clever and artsy to make a shitty male character that will inevitably be lionized by awful dudes, making life worse for the rest of us? Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t what’s going to happen, the incel demographic is thriving.
I’m fully enjoying this because I’ve had so little to enjoy that my joy barometer is broken and this is what happiness and hope feels like now.
God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”
i saw this at tiff and my overall impression was that for people who want to enjoy it only as fandom, nothing is wrong with it. for anyone who goes for it as a movie, independent of their personal inner Gotham nostalgia etc, there are SO MANY PROBLEMS. it’s not just that its protagonist (“hero or antihero”,…
And Pelosi played this terribly. Going all in on the Ukraine situation without knowing the facts, when Mueller and emoluments were right there all along.
This moron, who “loves history,” is the same type who then turns around and complains about hearing about slavery on a plantation tour. We know which history you love, and it is just a long and winding way to say you are just a racist.
I’m surprised that you have such faith in the dispassionate, informed, reasonable nature of the American electorate. I’m just not seeing it.