Browns are putting the 0-16 in 2016.
“I think we’ve lost who we are.”
“Who are you?”
“We’re the Boston Red Sox.”
“[whispers] I think we need to sit Cam out.”
The real mystery here isn’t how EA could make such a simple mistake, but how did Sunderland win their opening 3 games?
Roger Goodell is the dude that ruins a good porn by groaning louder than the woman the entire time.
Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.
Never change, NFL.
Please buy another HOF vote so we he can be written in on at least one ballot.
+1 Pedro, +1.
“I’ve paid my dues, I deserve this. No one will notice.” - Chris Hassel dropping acid the morning of his Goal Line debut.
Sucks, getting Hassel-ed by a chair like that.
It’s easy to make these kind of mistakes.
Meanwhile, in football...Gimmy Jaroppolo has given the Patriots a Dutch town.
Who guzzles milk so he’ll grow tall?
Michigan head football coach Jim Harbaugh was the subject of a segment on the latest episode of HBO’s Real Sports,…
Like, not to overexplain, but check the eye level, just staring at this idiot's face paint instead of bothering to meet eyes.
Nothing good can happen to you while wearing an airbrushed shirt, nothing.