
Quite a few readers think he might have used “ugly” to insult her personality, which I at first wondered too. But after thinking about it, I think he used “ugly” because he knew that’s what would sting the most. An ugly bride on the most important day of her life?! If he’s implying she’s ugly on the day of days where

That’s what I’m wondering. I’m not an expert or anything but it’s hard for me to believe that Lakin wouldn’t have suffered from financial problems by being a segregated black institution, or that any insane asylum in the 1920s would have been a pleasant place for its inmates.

Accidental racism is the most frustrating thing about Whiteness to me. I feel like White people are so much more concerned with appearing (to themselves as much as to the world) not to be racist than with actually not BEING racist that it’s impossible for them to cop to it when it happens on accident. Like, how bad

My garter fell off on the stairs on the way to the ladies’ toilets during the reception. An old gentleman who was staying at the hotel, but wasn’t a wedding guest, brought it to me sheepishly saying “I think this might be yours”.

I think we all know who Helen should’ve gone to in the first place...

Yeah, everyone grieves differently. When a long-term friend of mine died a few years ago, nobody on the internet heard about it because grief is private for me - I shut myself in a room with a bottle of wine and a sad movie and cry for a few days. I would do the same if I lost a family member.

That’s just the way the system works. You plead not guilty at the arraignment. Then there’s a pretrial plea offer and various negotiation. And then if a deal is reached, you change your plea to guilty, and if no deal is reached, then it goes to trial. There is almost no reason to plead guilty at the arraignment,


Looking forward to listening later today, since work won’t let me at the moment.

My son is 14, I’m not a girl, and I still don’t feel like I’ve recovered my old self or rebranded myself. Don’t care though because he’s amazing and I still can’t conceive of life without him. Yes, I know, it’s different for moms. I’m just saying fuck people. Own it because you earned it. You love that kid more than

Did you even take statistics?

I seriously always assumed that was the basic purpose of the Playboy Mansion. Maybe I’m just a huge cynic, but I doubt Hefner would have even cared.

Ha! Totally! It’s probably going to be if and whenever I give birth, too. My hymen is an asshole.

having been raised orthodox, i have seen a total about face in sectors of the orthodox world; similar to the turn to right wing christian fundamentalism. extremists are awful people, no matter where they eminate from. bastardizing religious doctrine and law if repulsive from any group of people. an example; when i

I don’t think adults do understand anymore. Our emotion and our control parts of our brian are in wack. Our risk reward process are complete. We have a weath of social experiance cusioning us - along with amny regrets and mistakes. Adults rarely remember what it’s like, or even understand wha tit’s like, to have less

She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena

My husband and I decided to go to Spain for our honeymoon. We love to eat and we love wine so it seemed like a great idea.

I must be in the fucking twilight zone

Did your society lawyer husband also dress up?

I do agree with your larger sentiment and I'm in a somewhat similar boat. The thing that does put you (and me) into that "upper" group is discretionary income. Most middle and lower class households little-to-no discretionary income. They can pay their bills and not much more (unless they play the credit game).