

How does this even happen?

Oh! I got one! So our honeymoon was in Argentina. We spent a week in Buenos Aires and then a week in Mendoza. To get from BA to wine country we took an overnight bus with sleeper seats, which ended up being just fine. Got out at the station and went to take a taxi to our resort. Get in the taxi, tell the guy

This x1000.

Where was the chaperone?!?

The "you may now kiss the bride" thing does not happen in Jewish weddings. After my husband stomped the glass, I kissed him, but the rabbi did not say anything at all about it, and I think in more conservative ceremonies they don't do it. After the ceremony really conservative Jews will also go be alone together for




Me too! I was five when my parents got married, and my grandparents talked them into it for custody reasons if something had ever happened to either of them. Huge mistake. Much horribleness ensued.

I don’t know why it should even matter. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 18. We never had a conversation that I can remember about how I was an accident/unplanned. Obviously I was, but she decided to keep me. So really that’s all that mattered.

Our registry info was on our wedding website. The save the date had the website, but that's it. I know a lot of people who have gone that route.

One time I was also late for work because my dog refused to come inside- he had caught a BUNNY. And I spent 45 min chasing him around trying to get him to drop it. Finally caught him, would still not drop said bunny until I got him in the house. He dropped the bun on the doormat and went to lay down. I was looking

Are you me? We will also be trying in a few months and I am also irrationally afraid I am infertile.

It's a reciprocity issue for you, but maybe the dude who is going down on her doesn't care. I think that relationships need to be fair, but not necessarily equal. Otherwise both parties can end up resentful. We have no idea where he's coming from. Maybe he really likes eating pussy, but instead of getting a BJ

My mantra basically is that relationships have to be fair, but not necessarily equal. He's stuck up on X for X, tit-for-tat, and if you hold on too tightly to that mentality then you're going to end up resentful towards your partner in the end.

I think that a relationship needs to be fair, but not necessarily equal. When you get into a tit-for-tat scenario, I think a lot of resentment can build up. Certainly, in this scenario she is coming across as super demanding and I would imagine a big part of that is it's a "shock" piece.

"some people flat out don't like the smell, taste and gagging of it all"

Maybe you could be those people with adjacent houses. That has always seemed lovely to me- especially at this moment when I am quietly sitting in the living room while my husband sleeps after his overnight call, and I can't do anything that makes noise in case it wakes him up.

Could be.