
Probably one that doesn't get satire! :)

Thank you for reminding me. Whenever I think about it, I always google it and click the links. Hopefully they will always come up near the top.

I... think you're being trolled or maybe she doesn't get satire?

You come to an article about Madonna not reporting a rape due to humiliation and then proceed to tell women that their own personal experiences are wrong/incorrect... I'm confused as to what you are trying to accomplish other than to reinforce the idea that we actually will not be taken seriously. Your previous reply

You're not aware of my reality then. Must be awesome for you.

Women are screwed either way. You "think every man is a rapist" if you are skeptical and prioritize your safety and don't trust them, and you're "too naive and careless" if you let your guard down at all.

But they didn't ask her about her dress. They asked her to hike up her dress to model her shoes, which is super awkward and I would have refused too. So then there would would a bunch of pics of her with her dress pulled up, and then another set of pics of her pulling it back down and smoothing it out. And like she

There is an Action Kit. Seems to be tied closely to the UN Women group and UN "entities". If you donate, that money does go to helping women.

This is so infuriating to me. Let's shit all over her because she's not a women's studies major and she didn't immediately start lecturing people about the nuances of intersectionality. Let's all go back to talking about Kim Kardashian's hair color because KK is doing SO MUCH for women.

...apparently there are many of us!

I do this too! All words of almost all songs can be substituted with pup or my dog's name.

The Gaysian... and you're... and... oh man. I have been slow on the uptake apparently.

My MIL is awesome. She even called my grandma to play interference. :)

I probably would not threaten legal action, but if a company ran out of something and substituted something else WITHOUT TELLING ME. I would be pissed. Really they should have called her, said the ones she wanted were no longer available. Let her pick something else- even if it ended up being the same ones they

That really really sucks.

One time on Facebook I saw a pic of a tiny frog catching a ride on a big beetle. And a bunch of people commented that it was horrible and the pic was staged and the frog had been glued to the beetle and woe to nature. And it made me really sad. And so now when I see these photos I am skeptical, and that makes me sad.

After I had just spent an insane amount of time doing hair and makeup, I saw my (soon-to-be) husband and he looked at me and said that I looked prettier without makeup. I almost cried, but didn't want to mess up my mascara! I am sure you were stunning!


That's how I feel too. Harry seems like a frat boy.

OMG. Fuck your ex. Seriously, what a dick! I'm sorry you're still dealing with that fallout! :(