
This one. You win with this one.

This is a real thing?

I have got to believe that the pendulum is going to start swinging back the other direction with this "free-range parenting" coming in to mitigate some of the "helicopter parenting". That is how it works, right?

I wonder how you go to a normal father-daughter relationship after that? I think that if I were in a situation where I met a family member, and was sexually attracted to them, I would in my mind have to transfer that to some other type of esteem. Like, when I was little there were a lot of teachers that I wanted to

I... think you're me. MY biological father just contacted me (at age 30) to build a relationship and tell me a million excuses about why he wasn't around but why none of it was his fault. And when I wanted nothing to do with him, and when I got pissed at my mom for all the drama and bullshit I was called a snobby

This is so similar to my story it's creepy. Even down to the waiting til I finished grad school piece. (The one difference is that now my mom has decided that it would be a great idea to start dating that asshole again) I told her it was a terrible idea and that I never wanted to meet him. Also that I was resentful

I like his bum.

Are these on Etsy?

Not all are. Depends on if what you are extracting is alcohol soluble or oil soluble. So things like vanilla are alcohol soluble, but things like lemon/orange are oil soluble. (This is for the real deal... not sure about imitation extracts)

I make vanilla extract with vanilla beans and vodka (cheaper than buying in the store), and I am pretty sure that it is actually MORE expensive to get drunk off of vanilla extract than to just use plain vodka...

I stabbed myself in the palm of the hand with a butter knife so badly I needed 6 stitches.

I ran track in high school. One afternoon I was running down to the fields and my friend came up beside me. I turned to look at her as we were chatting. Not looking where I was going I ran into a pole. It was one of the skinny ones that "no parking" signs are attached to. I ran into the pole so hard that I bounced

A 30 inch inseam is a normal fucking inseam. I am also 5' 7" and you know what?? Most people are fucking shorter than us! Sometimes even in heels! It's a racket to get everyone to hem their pants and so they can charge extra to keep the old distressed hemline. Argh!

Why did Slate hate your book? I bought it right when it came out and read the whole thing. I found it delightful, and though I feel slightly guilty when I look around at my messy apartment- at least I do know how to clean all the things.

But women nowadays want kids with zero effort or sacrifice. Haven't you heard?


It's hard to be a Jew, a lonely Jew, on Christmas.

The really mean thing that I was thinking that I didn't say is that family medicine doctors are usually not the smartest docs out there. I work in OB (chose to be a genetic counselor instead of a doctor- so I am sure they would think my opinion is invalid) and all of the MFMs that I work with say that drinking a

It's 9 months gestating and then ~12 months breastfeeding... so that's almost 2 years of your life for every child that you have. So to give up....alcohol, caffeine, sushi, soft cheese, tuna, lunch meat... the list goes on and on. It turns the woman into just a vessel to procreate. I mean, if all women are selfish

Their answer appears to be that women must give up anything and everything that could pose a potential problem. So for each kid that is almost 2 years of the mother's life if you limit it to just gestating and breastfeeding. Women are just vehicles to further the population and if they, god forbid, want to have a