
She is not being the worst. She is responding to racism that probably plays out in her life a million times a day in a million subtle (and not so subtle) ways. If someone assumed that I was a prostitute because I was making out with my boyfriend who was a different race than me, I would be furious and disgusted, and

Wan't she purposefully making a scene though bc she was being confronted by a police officer for absolutely no reason at all? I think all too often minorities (read: black, latino, women, visibly poor white, etc) just put their heads down and don't stand up for themselves even when they're not doing anything wrong to

everyone knows it's no kissing on the lips.

I know this is a really old comment, but I just wanted to share that I am in a monogamous marriage to a man, but that in the past I have dated both men and women (I do not consider myself bisexual, which is a different conversation). Some people know that I am queer and a lot of others don't-specifically a lot of my

I have an ex that I am completely over, and I am happily married, and I am completely blocked from all of this guy's stuff. And I am so CURIOUS what happened to him. He was a good guy, and I just honestly want to know that he's doing well. The fact that I cannot get the scoop, in this age of everyone being

I'm with you.

What has she done that's evil recently? She's pissed at Emma for saving Maid Marian, but hasn't done anything unless I'm misremembering... I think that she knows that if she ever wants to be with Robin (who is her "true love") then she has to stay good and let him realize on his own that he wants Regina instead.

To be fair, she hasn't killed anyone in a long time... I was going to post more, but if you haven't watched, then it won't make sense...

I think she and Kesha tie in my mind for most annoying voice of all time.

Hey, that's awesome! Keep on keeping on!

That... does not happen to me, Sorry.

I HATE this couples only have one name thing that happens. My brother-in-law and his fiancé coined it for themselves as well as other couples. Whatever happened to Bonnie AND Clyde? They don't need to be Clonnie, Blyde. Uuuuugggh. End rant. Sorry.

I believe that in America you can also sue for half of the wedding costs if you break off an engagement (not sure what the criteria is.. Cheating, etc. BUT this doesn't seem to be taking place in America unless I'm interpreting the last paragraph totally wrong.


Mine mom is more in line with narcissistic personality disorder... also read a book that was interesting and if not helpful, at least let me see the patterns and navigate my life around it.

Ditto. She NEVER calls me- just trash talks me behind my back about how I'm a terrible daughter and I never call. So I call her about once a month and the calls are always about what my drunk, cheating, druggie father has done that week, or my dead-beat dad brother and how he's fucking up his daughter, or how

Yeah, I totally understand. My father cheated on my mother repeatedly. Did drugs, and all sorts of horrible things. My mom knew, but she was also raised to keep what happens in the family in the family. Don't air your dirty laundry out in public, etc. So now my parents are separated and my mom gets a ton of shit

If it's an event for women, and you identify as a woman, then you should be able to go. Period. Specifically excluding a subset of women that one considers inferior because they weren't born with breasts and a vagina is fucked up.

You keep repeatedly saying that he ran her off the road and that he is wrong too... It feels like you're implying that it was intentional on his part and not that it was an accident. Whether he was at fault or not is irrelevant. There is no excuse or justification for her behavior at all.

Or a college student trying "to learn" about feminists...