Snookie's comment reminds me of that scene in "The Family Stone". Man, I love that movie so hard.
Snookie's comment reminds me of that scene in "The Family Stone". Man, I love that movie so hard.
Well played.
It's both.
I love that movie so hard.
I don't know if it gets back at them so much as makes them stop and think for a second. When a pic of a scantily clad woman gets posted, they probably don't even give it a second thought and it doesn't really even register bc it is just the norm; however, when a scantily clad pic of a guy gets put up, it at least…
So I am a prenatal genetic counselor, but when I was in training I rotated through cancer clinics and I believe at this point that medicaid/medicare covers BRCA testing. Additionally, if someone does not have any insurance at all, but meets testing criteria, then they are eligible for financial assistance (read free).
So, I would recommend talking to a cancer genetic counselor. Even if you don't do any genetic testing, they can at least run a couple of prediction models (BRCApro and the Gail) to see what your actual risk is... And just because your mom had cancer before age 50 does not mean FOR SURE that she had a BRCA mutation…
I'm pretty sure I'm not old enough to adopt you, but your situation sucks and I would def hang out. Wanna go get some ice cream and walk along Lake Michigan. I will bring my puppy. She makes everyone happy.
I love him. Such a cutie. :)
It's true. My question remains: Why does Margery need the moon tea? She's sleeping with someone, but I have no idea who!
"If YOU follow basic safety rules..."
It's 40 oz a day, which is not an insignificant amount of coffee. Though I admit, I also drink that much a day on the regular.
Hehe. :)
I think a lot of what you say is true, and that no one is perfect and people struggle a lot with raising children, but I don't think that Betty or Don have ever really put the needs of their children before their own needs.
Exactly. Cersei uses him from word go. She wants to *be* Jamie for a really long time (aka. until he gets his hand chopped off)... and now that he's less of a man and not as a good a fighter as he used to be she has nothing but disdain for him. Until she needs him again, then she wants him to rescue her.
If Renley were gay, it also gave more credence to Margery being a maid. I watched the first season before I started reading the books, so when I was reading, I was paying closer attention to see how explicit it was... and it's certainly nothing like the show, but it's there.
Do you have a photo?? Pretty please!
My pup is half jack russell, and she's a dick too. I cannot tell you how many computer chargers she chewed through. Those things are expensive!
I kinda wonder if I were him, if maybe I wouldn't have rather her just kill me.