Tabitha Bungled

Soooo...Mt St. Helens seems like it should be hot but is actually cold inside?

For potential I’d think the Yellowstone Caldera “supervolcano”. But, yeah, if/when Rainier goes again it has the potential to be bad.

For sale: cozy bungalow, geothermal heating.

Actually, that’s what you get for not proofreading. I try my best but when I type fast I sometimes look at the text I sent and just... Wtf. Can’t even fathom how I don’t notice some of the shit I write.

That’s what I get for typing quickly on a tablet with no auto correct.

See kids, and this is how people die.

So that's where Geocities went...

The rule of thumb is, you can only do it twice a year. New Years and your birthday.

I used to love doing coke on occasion until a friend of mine gave me a stern talking-to about how I was supporting the deaths of thousands of innocent people just to get a short-lived high that feels like shit when you run out. I felt legit guilty. Plus it’s craaaaazy expensive. I used to be hot enough to get it for

That’s the sperrit! If you’re old enough to be past most of the random-thrillseeking-just-for-thrills’-sake impulses, you aren’t missing much, imho. When I was a Young, stimulants gave me that I’m Omnipotent & Omniscient & Gorgeous & Brilliant (And Also I Can Fly) feeling— but now that I’m old, they just make me tired

Admittedly, my Spanish is a little rusty but I don’t think that’s actually an accurate translation. I think it means more “The only thing that’s important is who you are on the inside”, meaning if you’re a good person and have a good heart, then nothing else matters.

“’re the only one whose opinions on you matter...”

I’m just having fun. I am a person who believes very strongly that we need to sometimes imagine a bit more than what is actually there so that we can get excited about possibilities and maybe find a path of research that did not exist before.

You’re on the wrong website. Please go help J.J Abrams make a good Star Trek movie.

Guys. We’re missing the obvious, here.

The power to change the world doesn’t come from statesmen or leaders. It is not the domain of the rich, or the command of the pious. Like all things... making the world a better place involves something far different.

Why the hell aren’t you running for President?

My goal is to drag hope back into the light from whatever dark corner of the universe it decided to hide in when it saw certain political and social figures start to emerge from their sarcophagi. Because without hope, none of us make it to the next step. The isolationism has to end. The greed has to end. We got to

Um... no. Not in the core. Bad things there.

Oh, I don’t disagree. The odds of actually spotting a star with an engineering event going on around it are about a billion trillion to one, assuming that there would be about 2 civilizations at any given time capable of performing such an act, and that they would do so to a star that was within our visible radius,