Never trust a man who’s sired multiple children and never changed a poopy diaper.
Never trust a man who’s sired multiple children and never changed a poopy diaper.
Holding funding for our troops hostage? Hmmm ... where have I seen that before?
I’m going and I don’t have any social media accounts. I did GOTV in November, too. Protests drove Nixon crazy and Trump is obsessed with being liked, so I’m going because I think it’ll piss him off if there’s a big turnout.
So! You’re a Rear Admiral in the Navy, and an MD. Presumably, you make it that far in your career you care a little bit about your credibility. What are the odds that Dr. Jackson has the courage to disavow this note if it actually turns out to be forged?
Well, my kids’ school has some explaining to do about last Easter!
I feel like a good rule of thumb is thumb is that if it has white fur pillow and someone dressed as a bunny, it’s a sex party.
It’s been an stunning voyage on the way to total nuclear annihilation.
A commenter in a discussion on the Root posted this:
He’s no doubt got a massive heart attack brewing. His eating habits and no exercise have guaranteed that, and his stress levels are thru the roof now that he does nothing but watch TV and scream at people.
However it happens, I’m betting it’s going to be KFC-related...
There are many Republicans whose deaths I will celebrate. Trump, his adult sons, Pence, Ryan, McConnell, Thomas, Gorsuch, King, Grassley, Rubio, Cruz...
I have to say it:
Stephen Miller is a Nazi. Reggie Miller is an asshole that had a helluva a jump shot. Steve Miller makes bad music. Miller High Life is the “Champagne of Beers”. These are all indisputable facts.
Well, we’ve all disowned Eric and Dump likes to be popular.
I appreciate Tapper’s comment, and it’s an important point, but Miller’s used enough alt right neo-Nazi dog whistles that he’s no longer invited to Shabbat.
I watched his entire interview today and.....dude is trash. What else to say
I wonder what Stephen Miller’s manifesto will read like when he goes on his inevitable mass shooting spree. He’s got that dead-behind-the-eyes look they all have.