Tabby Gevinson

Interesting read!

No, this is the NBA equivalent of 3 consecutive Buttfumbles.

Please point out when I said that this isn’t racist you silly troll.

Right, because Clarence Thomas, whose judicial opinions do real harm to Black people, is a perfect corollary for Black people who have a different opinion of this video than you do.

So how is the weather in Indianapolis?

NBA players, ranked:

Black folks are not a hive mind. Considering that it was released on Tidal. I think it is safe to say that some prominent Black people are okay with it.

Regardless of what you think of Amy Schumer she is definitely not irrelevant.

I voted for Bernie in the primary.

Yeah, bitches only have to drink 77% as much alcohol to get as drunk as a Man.

Dear Bungie,

Very very well said.

Also, attacks on US embassies have occurred numerous times under numerous different Presidents. There were about a dozen during Bush Jr.’s term, for example. Every attack is tragic, but they are part of the price of maintaining a global presence.

That’s assuming that the show stays true to the comics.

This is the sad truth.

I agree that she is not a great actor. She’s not terrible, she’s just not brilliant like some people make her out to be either.

Okay, but the fact that you don’t like her schtick and don’t want to be her friend is germane to any discussion of whether she is a good choice to play Zelda Fitzgerald.

Considering that Deadpool is a superhero movie I have actually seen films like that countless times. True, Deadpool is a bit of a different take on the genre, but it is still similar to the Kickass movies in that respect.

True enough.

True, everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as everyone is entitled to their opinion about other people’s opinions.