Tabby Gevinson

Good point!


Please stop blaming mental illness for an individuals shitty behaviour.

Land Of The Fees, Home Of The New Slaves

IMO the Man In Black is an android with Arnold’s consciousness downloaded into it.

I still think Darrell Hammond was the best Trump.

And Ben Carson is simultaneously a legitimately renowned neurosurgeon and a fucking moron.

The person you are responding to is an idiot, but it is true that President Obama’s treatment of the press (& whistleblowers) has been shameful. He’s much better than the GOP of course, but still.

A fair point, but lots of likely guilty assaulters and rapists are never punished for their crimes for myriad reasons, so it is quite possible that Bill Clinton is one of them.

Yeah, one of my closest friends dropped out of a top med-school to become a flight attendant. She just really loves getting paid well to travel, and I can totally understand why.

Well said!

True, but the Ken Starr report is just one of many examples of Bill Clinton’s misdeeds.

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

All of that is indeed bullshit aside from the Bill Clinton is a sexual predator part.

I don’t think that either Democrats or Republicans want to bring up Jeffrey Epstein because both Trump and Bill Clinton are connected to him.

I think that in this case the “ass” label applies to Haisley for posting this shite article.

No, most people think he’s a douche, but they also don’t think that he deserves to be banished for life.

The current situation with regards to corporations and megabanks was created by neo-liberal policies, not socialist policies.

True, but there is a wide chasm between the capitalist reforms that Sweden adopted and the style of loosely regulated crony capitalism that is current day America.

Yeah, just look at those Scandinavian failures.