
Just the way he wanted...I assume

...of aluminum fo-il! [Fo-il]

I’m still holding to my theory that this is a purgatory. I know that we’ve been shown this is Michael’s experimental new Bad Place...but it’s all pretty clearly preferable to the actual physically torturous Hell they keep referring to. ‘A short man? No, anything but that! Give me the butthole spiders for all eternity

Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of that scene. Except that it was unlike any church service I’ve ever been to. Hey, Hollywood and/or Britain? Tell me you know that American church services aren’t just Klan rallies? Even in the really conservative denominations (my grampa’s a Southern Baptist preacher but I was

Hard to argue with that interpretation.


I almost forgot about Noah. Aronovsky’s next movie should really stay away from the infant murder (I know, he only almost kills his grandchild in Noah) or people might start to look at him funny. You’re already one of the great Sadistic Bastard Directors, man, don’t start being the guy who always kills a baby

That’s one sharp book!

I know ambiguity is kinda the name of this series’s game, but I really wanted to know how a woman gets to be an Aunt or a Martha? This is a society where women have no power, choices or values outside of their fertility....so how the hell did you get your job, Lydia?! And how does a woman get lucky enough to be a

The trailer made me wonder if Aronovsky had remade Rosemary’s Baby. I guess not, huh?

And......? Mad Men apparently got terrible numbers too, not everything can be Walking Dead or Modern Family. Handmaid’s Tale is kind of a hard sell and a harder watch. I really like it, but I’m also waiting a little bit before watching the season finale. I would never expect it to be a blockbuster.

That’s basically why I had to stop listening to The Flophouse. Guys, you’ve been doing this for like a decade, if you genuinely haven’t figured out when and how to introduce yourselves and what movie you’re mocking, maybe let someone else do it!

The Emmys seem to forget about FX most years. Similarly, I don’t know how Walton Goggins doesn’t have five back to wins for Justified

It’s my mother’s banjo, sitting unused in the

They’re all pretty creepy, but Animals takes the cake for me. Don’t sing about hunting women down Adam, it’s not as flattering or sexy as you think it is!

Kelly Clarkson’s Piece by Piece (I don’t know if that’s the real title, but she probably couldn’t actually name it ‘My piece of shit deadbeat dad just figured out I’m famous now, and showed up again to ask for money, isn’t that fucking hilarious?!) at work a lot, so you would think I’d get immune to it at some point.