
Because I still involuntarily said "No! Don't hurt the dog!" The things we choose to care about…

Speaking of typical horror movie stuff. The way the trucker was ripped out of the frame from above, followed by drips of blood and intense gobbling sounds I was sitting there thinking "Why are we shooting this like a vampire movie?"

You can get normal pizza here, too, thank god. I'm here and I'll never really understand the appeal of the deep dish.

"If he raises his voice even once…I'm walking out"
"Please don't stick to that policy"

I thought it was the professional Lil Sebastian impersonator they've shown before…

Anything would be an improvement on the insanely racist Disney movie. I don't remember Tiger Lily being that sexist of a character, but maybe I give her too much credit for being the only female character who is not so obsessed with Peter that they try to kill Wendy the minute they see her.

Our ears

Which is why I appreciated Chilton's line a couple of episodes back talking about the first time he went to dinner at his house "He served tongue, and then made a joke about eating mine…It would be narrow to not at least consider him"


Moonrise Kingdom is the first thing I've ever really enjoyed watching him in.

Remember when we used to make out to this hymn?

Oh sorry, I meant this one and The Sweetest Thing which mbs mentioned

Other than having three women, one of whom is Cameron Diaz and a blond man somewhere in the picture the two movies seem to have nothing in common.

And let's give Hugh Dancy some of the credit, too, shall we? For me the series is making Lecter actually horrifying in a way that the movies never did largely because of Dancy's Will Graham. Last season, watching him slowly become less stable week to week and this season that overwhelming aura of betrayal that he's

I'm still trying to figure out why Amber Tamblyn was in Django Unchained for like five seconds.

Really cool names.

"Who cares"

Was this a film class where people don't like older films? That must be a lot of fun…

Well Don did have that monologue last season about finding out he didn't have to pretend to love his son anymore because they went to a movie together and Bobby really "got" the end of Planet of the Apes and tried to talk to the black usher because MLK had just died.

In the first season, I think they were genuinely trying to be cheesy vampire porn AND also put across this gay rights metaphor where vampires were a persecuted minority. They had those "God Hates Fangs" signs and the occasional talk of the Vampire Rights Amendment and vampire/human marriage was legalized in Vermont,