
The one where we suspiciously don't see their "boring" date?

From the random servants having sex in Catherine's room to the "We are now in a whorehouse/gambling den where bad, sexy things are happening!" establishing shot I felt a lot of knock off Game of Thrones in this episode.

"you can't possibly do a "rip each other's clothes off" scene with those dresses" And yet, I feel like I've read hundreds of them.

I was probably a throwaway line but I feel like that last conversation, particularly that bit about most of them being in there for defending themselves against abusive men, hints at a much better women in prison story for Ava.

And a little threatened.

Considering the only people who ever seem to patronize Boyd's bar are only there to threaten him, I would say his security is a little lax. Seriously, what good does that place do him? I assume he only has it for money laundering purposes, but considering the total lack of paying customers how would it be effective in

Admittedly, it had one of the more misleading ad campaigns. But yeah, do some research, people!

Okay, you've all sold me. Put Kyle Maclachlan in this sequel, I think he'd fit perfectly.

I just watched A Royal Affair and The Hunt, in addition to needing to watch each episode more than once. He is incredible, and I am in serious crush mode right now.

I don't think this is the kind of show that would shoot a fake out dream sequence love scene just to put it in the trailer for next week. At the same time I can see Will's mind going there, especially if Hannibal taunts him by implying that he and Alana are getting close.

Yeah, that dart hit him and I thought "nice try, kid," in the instant before it totally worked. Apparently I did need to be reminded he isn't invincible.

Can't wait to try that!

Barney got the best possible deal, right? Lecter didn't hate him or find him rude, and liked him but didn't find him interesting enough to fixate on him and destroy his life.

Chicken Cacciatore, and some sweet rolls (I had leftover frozen dough in the fridge from Christmas, yay!) but that was much earlier. During the actual show I ate a lot of candy.

He's such a good friend….

I think True Blood's intro sets the tone really well.

My only other association with the title is that it's also what Robert Dudley got titled with. So I doubt this was it's actual historical use but in my head its now the title a queen or king gives his or her mistress (or their illlegitimate son) to explain why they're always around.

But between Anna Chumsky's FBI trainee (who I assume he's keeping in a little box somewhere) and Abigail Hobbs, haven't they already gone as close to Clarice as they can?

But….how do they have the rights to Hannibal but not Clarice?!

That opening fight scene happened because Fishburne pretty much walked up to Fuller and said "You know…I know kung fu? That's adorable.