
How's sinead's music career going....oh yeah it's over. Maybe she should be a little more ratchety...,.

I'd like Fox Sports 1 a lot better if i could actually watch it. It is, literally, the one channel out of hundreds that pixilates and whatnot. Just plain glitchy. I hate it.

Current NFL Player

Which field is the worst field to play on in the league? If you could punch one player in the face and get away with it who would it be?

Which field is the worst field to play on in the league? If you could punch one player in the face and get away with it who would it be?

Good Stuff

Womp womp womp

Drew Carey sucks and so does Cleveland.

Fair enough

Ivory poaching would not be a legitimate reason to hunt, dummy. It would be an illegitimate reason. Legal hunting would be legitimate..like the example I mentioned....a Legal/legitimate job would be being a banker. An Illegitimate/illegal job would be being a drug dealer. Duh...so ur stupid. Illegal things are

Bahahahaha bawk bawk bawk

Oh and btw.....I never said that my reasoning is why they are doing this on this show. I said it is possible as this is the usually (legal) reasoning behind killing elephants. I never mentioned this video or ivory. Good Effort though troll bitch.

You are correct. Thank you for helping my point. I don't think NBC is going to have a show like this and then sell the spoils illegally. Good effort.

So here is what i know....when a male bull elephant gets too old it stops being able to produce sperm. When this happens, the bull is still the bull and is bigger than everyone. Because of this, the bull elephant fights off all other males suitors as he is bigger. The problem with this is that the herd no longer will

Butt Plug

Rye bread is gnarly. Ew

Outta My Face, yo! Kablam!

probably a butt hole hole

he can bearily fit on the that slide

Very informative response. I appreciate it....still not going to rule out the jello though.