
Never heard of someone just casually puking up blood...you sure he didn't just eat some red jello?

wash my sheets in turds weekly....is that what you meant


Don't worry. I take Blood Pressure Meds. Its all good.

I love Ramen. I wish I could be in Ramen eating contest.


So funny I forgot to laugh

I am batman. Maker of Gigli.

hell of a speech you got there

I actually tried to watch this until I realized Donavan Mcnabb was speaking and arguing with the Glove about baseball???Baseball???? Why would they have these guys talk baseball and compare Pete Rose or Ichiro to anyone? Why????

I love the warren buffet. So many meal choices and and they have that chocolate fountain.

You sure he's not just peeing? Mooning would be more pronounced.

Sometimes there can only be one Queen Bee....

Thank you for the answer. That was helpful.

I hope this mobster cuts your toes off.

Why in horse racing, like in the Kentucky Derby, do the odds change after you bet, and why should people accept this? I would prefer to know what I am betting on and what the odds are before I do so.

The mustache doesn't help this guy either...

by sanitary wipes do you mean TP or do you mean like baby wipes?

isn't this more latin or something?