
Forget about what his teammates think....Ed reed, LaRon Landry and the like are going to try to tackle-chop his head off and happily accept fines for doing so.

Hey vikings, how do you like it when people pillage your land!? Go have a beard growing contest and quit crying.

So this is reason for selfies? Because it is hard work? i work hard. Should I go take a pic in the mirror now. You guys are all weird.

Is A-Rod managing the team? Can't the Yankees do whatever they want? My high school coach benched me all the time. He was in charge. Why can't the Yankees management do as they please?

Dang! Kate's mom is a betty.

Mama June makes happy. She is so nice, and she keeps it real. Sugar Bear is lucky.

What is this?

Get out of the left lane is all I am saying. The dude is a dick, but Get out of the FAST LANE!!!!!

Don't give out your SS number

You mean penis woman and vagina man, right? Because those are some F-ed up people parts if I am wrong.

90's Corolla?

Is that a tin foil grill? I loved those back in the day.

There are more medium people than XXL people that shop at that store. That's why medium is a medium. Its the average.

Or they could just be putting the larger sizes on them because they sell less in those sizes and don't want to put a medium that they will definitely sell on a dummy, dummy.

Sunday 8pm EST heat/spurs ABC

Blue is the shit

Do you like turning to the right or left better?


Are the camera men just ass holes? Do they want these kids to die? Turn off the freaking stove!!!