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    Really? Clarkson said something which isn’t true? Whatever next? Ferrari’s don’t all catch fire?

    It’s not like car manufacturers EVER stick new engines into other cars just to start getting some ideas about dynamics, engine positioning or things of that nature. No, they never do that. This sort of nonsense gets tons of clicks though!

    Australia has incredibly strict immigration rules, designed to safeguard the local population. I approve of this protectionist stance which will allow home-grown Aussie hoons to continue to do incredible down-to-earth burnouts without big-budget Americans coming in to ruin their fun.

    Three comments and none have trotted out the old ‘they catch fire’ thing. Wow Jalopnik, you’ve changed.

    Funny story, Ferrari won’t service cars used for these ‘Drive a Supercar’ rentals in Europe.

    You win the internet for this particular instance.

    Because they are irrelevant curiosities outside the United States.

    I blame Magnus Walker and all the other hashtaggy idiots. I also believe that someone paid this much so that they could save a 993 from that fate worse than death, Rauh Welt.

    Awww, jealous beetle owners! So cute!

    Can’t be long now...

    You’ve got to wonder if he would still be clogging up racetracks if his surname wasn’t Andretti.

    So it was ruined, just a different kind of ruined.

    Marco Gramenzi is only doing a few races this year as shakedowns before going for the entirety of next year’s championship. The car was built a few months ago and had only turned a wheel a couple of times at a racetrack, which I’m sure you know is a completely different setting to a hillclimb. Gramenzi is a multiple

    That’s an RZ, the SZ was the coupé.

    Good to see that the Max Verstappen International School of Post-Race Deportment is already enjoying a roaring trade!

    I can’t help but think that if Ron Dennis were still truly in charge a passive-aggressive outburst over the radio like that would have earned his a stern talking to.

    Deserves to be COTD and possibly COTY for actually having something to do with cars as opposed to the same old meme repeated ad nauseam.

    Very true.

    Trust me, the vast majority are fat fifty-somethings who have spent my life’s earnings on questionably-coloured lycra. Pro cyclists out training have a pro-level entourage and will have a team car behind them.