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    This. Plus it’s not a fucking Beetle.

    I read that headline four times and it still seems wrong. However I’m foreign.

    Essex, always fucking Essex.

    Doucheball 3000 needs to end.

    Thousands of automotive enthusiasts hate him. Maybe, just maybe, Jezebel will get rid of the piss-gargling ginger talent vacuum.

    Ugly car participates in Doucheball 3000, quelle surprise!


    Some times racers just have shitty luck. Hamilton seems to have avoided it since joining Mercedes, it’s just his turn. He’s still going to win the championship.

    Ginger, po-faced, talent-vacuum, arse biscuit moron.

    Doesn’t take much.

    I think that’s the main thing, they don’t need quick changes.

    I want a Sulam Quattro. Then I want an Audi owners club meet and a hidden camera.

    Center-lock wheels would seem to be a simple solution to this problem. Off the top of my head I can’t think of a top-flight motorsport series other than Nascar which doesn’t use center-lock wheels.

    Then they would cost 500k.

    I don’t see the appeal. It looks like a mass of pipes.

    Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Take a Defender, never a paragon of reliability or build quality. have some Spaniards assemble it, using electrics which are a Spanish copy of indifferent Italian stuff (Veglia). That’ll be crack pipe then.

    Assembled by spaniards with the addition of spanish copies of italian electrics. I’m sure nothing could go wrong there.

    It most definitely isn’t, have a wider view.

    That they are.

    It is indeed.