Not a new thing to be honest. The indicator and wiper controls in a 550 Maranello are from a Fiat.
Not a new thing to be honest. The indicator and wiper controls in a 550 Maranello are from a Fiat.
Saw headline, immediately thought ‘Texas.’
That’s pretty cool, but for the love of all that is holy, warn us about the music! Utterly horrifying and possible final proof that computers fart.
Harsh but fair. I had high hopes and bar a couple of misses Sean was doing a great job. Unfortunately it looks to me that with the departure of people like Sean and Tyler this page will descend into clickbait videos and irrelevant beetle-based whimsy from Torchlove.
$200K is a pretty penny to troll speculative automotive journalists (not pointing at you David, more the AM story), but hey, column inches is column inches!
My dad drifting his 7 series (no mean feat given its size and tiny Italian roads) for my pleasure, circa 1987.
A Roller Derby in Oregon. I imagine the press area is full of typewrighters.
I wasn’t aware of this change but your professional, intelligent and insightful posts will be sorely missed on a page which is veering ever more towards a worrying mix of pointless whimsy and poorly-researched fluff pieces. I’ll definitely be following you on thedrive, best of luck with it!
I’m not entirely sure “thrill” is the right word. Still, it should be better than Formula-E.
That sounds like the most fascinatingly hipster sporting event since fixie racing. Sign me up!
I highly recommend that you try one. It seems to be designed for wheelies and dicking about. But the pogo stick suspension gets tiresome when you start going faster.
Fuck off Chris Evans, just fuck off. You useless, annoying, charmless, ginger, talent-vacuum thundertwat.
Have you ridden a standard 07?
I would have no issue with a higher sticker if it meant higher quality components. The MT-07 (the name we get over here) only has one failing for me and that’s the basic suspension.
Step away from the keyboard. Count to ten. Think upon your actions. Fuck off back to Gawker.
Please elaborate.
All things considered that didn’t go too badly. Luckily he had tons of runoff to slow down with, he lost a front instead of a rear which would have been a lot worse and he took it quite well!
Is it really that difficult to stop making basic-ass mistakes?
Every single car on this list is a byword for simplicity and total reliability.
It’s not a parallel, it’s a V (or L if you drink from the Ducati fountain) twin. The author was probably too busy choosing which trucker hat to put on his belt to actually proof read his copy.