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    I will never understand the hate this guy gets. He sat his ass in many race cars and put his money where his mouth was. He raised the profile of sportscar and endurance racing a great deal, much more than random celebrities walking an F1 grid ever will.

    Whatever it is I hope it isn’t some faux-vintage/steampunk/retro nonsense.

    Yup. A clear Gandini car.

    I hate to be that guy but it was designed by an italian, built in italy and the company was italian-owned.

    The first new Aston design since the DB7 and you think it looks bad? What about the tragically boring, derivative style of the DB9, Vanquish, Vantage and Rapide? At least this is different!

    I’m foreign so I don’t understand autocross. But I do understand good videos and that sure as shit wasn’t one.


    Remind me, what’s the retail on an FXDTXDWYGFLTCUI Dyna Street Wide Ultra Electric Classic Heritage Bob?

    Chris Evans is a talent-free mealy-mouthed face for radio with prima-donna pretensions which are based on an inflated sense of self-worth and some light radio success. Clarkson was a twat, but he was a successful twat. Evans can start being a dick when he’s gotten Top Gear back to Trio levels of success (note I said

    So the Bugatti Chiron is boring. This however is the second coming of Jesus even though it doesn’t have a transmission and according to Jalopnik anything without a gated manual, a diesel engine and a long roof is crap. I’m so confused!

    Fake farty overrun noises are a bad thing.

    “Based on Porsche’s one serious attempt to homologate a race car”

    Aprilia warranty card. The fucking thing is far too complicated to do anything beyond checking tyre pressures and oiling the chain.

    One minute and thirty seconds before reverting to the Most Annoying Voice Ever To Grace Youtube. A new record. Who knows? One day he might even make it an entire video without sounding like a complete idiot.

    Tyre, the suspension settings are all to cock and need fixing.

    Lazy reporting as ever. These cars are not fucking ‘deadly.’ They were wayward with the shit tyres of the time. Today they are merely quick.

    Now playing

    Rank fucking amateurs. This is me at the FIRST corner of a charity race.

    Public transport. And get the fuck off the road.

    Appropriate motorcycles, being used by motorcyclists without idiotic beards and ridiculous flannel shirts. What’s happened to the real Sean?

    I’m just going out to buy a fire extinguisher, don’t mind me.