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    Don’t give them encouragement on those fucking beetles or we’ll get another fifteen-scroll soliloquy on how the windscreen surround on the 1957 split window 1200 changed the course of humanity, or that the best car in the world needs an air-cooled flat four in the back, even if it’s for Nascar or F1 from Torchlove (I

    Oh come on, it’s not that bad. We haven’t had a Hellcat/Jeep post in oh, hours...

    The irony being that those useless road-going pustules like the one in your picture get even more boring, useless posts.

    Nissan, taking racing vehicles and making them considerably worse since, well you know, that useless FWD piece of shit.

    I saw this at the 2013 1000 Miglia. In true Beetle fashion it rattled a lot and got in the way.

    Because it’s their car and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. For a supposedly broad church like Jalopnik, this is a surprisingly blinkered point of view.

    So 15 years after similarly Australian company Draggin’ Jeans created the exact same thing, this company takes some nice instagrammy things of some terrible motorcycles and they’re the second coming of Jesus?

    And yet when they were launched Marchionnelopnik heralded both those lumps of mediocrity as brilliant returns to form.


    Punches coworker in the face, nothing. Writes some trolling drivel, you’re all up in arms...

    Diesel manual flat four air cooled blah blah blah.

    Try one. I did. Never has so much noise and vibration produced so little motive force. It started coming apart at the third traffic light after leaving the dealer, and this was a box fresh demonstrator bike with less than 30kms on the clock. Utterly hateful piece of shit I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

    You’re just a delightful little pond-dweller aren’t you?

    If I was given the choice of riding only a Royal Enfield for the rest of my days or giving up motorcycling, I’d be first in line for a bus pass.

    Here’s the dirty little secret Lanesplitter won’t tell you. Enfields are apocaliptically awful. The worst motorcycles to ever leave a factory. Unfortunately however they look cool in a quaint ‘we forgot the world continued after 1959' kind of way and that sort of thing appeals to the morons who buy motorcycles today,

    No, it isnt.

    The UK uses Miles, not KMs, that’s not a UK accent and you clearly have no idea what anyone outside the United States sounds like.


    Limiting choice, what a charmingly French* thing to do.

    Why do you presuppose that people who want to ride fast bikes are retards? How are they different from people who want a fast car? We can’t all like useless pseudo-vintage money spinner scramblers.