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    Let’s demonstrate our outrage about out polluting car by making it pollute more!!!

    I do wonder what the preferred medium was before attention whores got drivers licenses.

    Fuck caring about this inept retard’s car blowing up, how about all of the oil spewing out on to the road that you seem to have no issue riding across to catch up to the fuckmook?

    Good. Fuck off Pastor. You and the PDVSA horse you rode in on.

    This glorious synthetic leather? Not an oil byproduct perchance?

    Rubbish, it’ll be raced once for the promotional images and then it’ll be sold to some moron in Portland who’ll park it outside the local coffee place.

    Here’s what happens when a group of people turn a Honda Cub into hipster nonsense to appeal to people with more money and moustache wax than sense.

    On tape?

    Interesting because a lot of things like the rollcage and hubs look very different to when it raced in btcc.

    As wonderful as it is I think it’s a replica...

    Seriously? The Sun?


    Swing and a miss. The 912E is a fine car in its own right.

    Nothing compares to how heroically shit that FWD abomination was. Sure, there are lots of other crap programs, but they mostly came from companies with little funding or time to do something better, Nissan should know better.

    That stupid FWD Nissan everyone on here seems to love so much.

    Honestly, beyond a strange man in Eastern Europe who doesn’t like nineties muscle cars, who cares?

    Hooray for another instalment of air cooled Torch Volsknonsense...

    Evo or nothing.

    This car drove from Paris to Teheran and back with little to no preparation beyond some stouter suspension and snow tyres. Truly amazing.

    By giving these dicksockets space on Jalopnik you are only playing into their hands. Oh, and as a frequent user of I-45, I wish the happy couple all the best for the future, but kindly ask that they do not procreate. Such levels of stupid would not be acceptable.