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    Is it just me or does the speed and force of the hit seem very much at odds with the devastation of the side of the Mustang?

    Unless of course you’re the guy at Porsche who pays the legal fees...

    Tsuru Zuckerberg

    Yes, but this isn’t some guy throwing a frame on something, Bimota is a storied manufacturer and calling it a ‘modified Ducati’ is a fucking disgrace and hardly an example of ‘making motorcycle journalism not suck any more.’

    Is it finally the Cummins for people who want a Cummins but don’t want to give the sweater-wearing dipshit one red cent?

    How is this a ‘modified Ducati’??? Are any of the millions of LS-swapped 240SXs ‘modified Corvettes?’

    And yet Jalopnik has no qualms deifying functioning retards like Magnus Walker who has more than one video example of driving like an idiot on the public highway. I’m confused. Is it ok to let it slide when it’s a dreadlocked manual gearchange evangelist with a funny accent?

    “This video is too long for my tastes.” Are you a goldfish?

    I encourage anyone who’s looking forward to this iteration of Top Gear to go and find the whiny ginger twat’s appearance in the Reasonably Priced Car, or find one of his radio shows on the web. Not for me.

    When I was six years old my father gave me a 1/18 scale model of a Mercedes 500SL. It’s been a long road of financial ruin, from model ones to real ones from that point onwards.

    Any time the word ‘soul’ is used in the name of a concept vehicle a bunny dies.

    It looks like a K4.

    So Ayrton Hamilton won’t be able to continue with his inane Senna-based drivel by adding the ‘I won in his homeland’ to the laundry list of other Senna-based platitudes he’s so fond of throwing out. Honestly, every third word out of his mouth seems to be ‘Senna.’

    I would like to know how much of this is true and how much is his PR machine trying to paint him as a party animal. Also this cannot be an actual quote from Lewis Hamilton because he doesn’t mention Ayrton Senna once...

    Hideously ugly, make the bike wider so less useful when riding in traffic (in the first world, where lane splitting is legal), horrible looking, crap visibility and ugly.

    Nobody won the 2015 championship. All three main actors, from the Thursday before Sepang onwards conducted themselves disgracefully and have, for my money, done lasting damage to the sport. For 2016 I will be supporting Dani Pedrosa.

    Those mirrors must die.

    Blah blah sportsbikes are transformers blah blah.

    100 grand 328? Yeah, no.

    Get lost, and take you faux-vintage, overpriced crap with you. While you’re at it, be a dear and take Magnus Walker and that Japanese moron who makes those cartoonishly wide abominations too.