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    Are we sure that this delay isn’t something to do with them having to re-work those hateful diesel engines to avoid a certain issue?

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    Chicanes made of hay bales are great, if you mess up your braking point you just plow through them and you’re away. Unless of course it rained the night before and those bales are now waterlogged. Down I go, broken scaphoid. I was supposed to start a new job the next day and they couldn’t hire me in a cast so I spen

    China hasn’t being burning more coal, they’ve just been using Volkswagen power plants.

    Diesel Volkswagens. Oh how fickle the fancy of the Jalopnik collective is. Not long ago they could do no wrong and anyone who even dared to deviate from this was tarred and feathered.

    Enough with these damn Bonnevilles! Seriously it’s getting Hellcat with the amount of exposure you’re giving these horrible things. There are other motorcycles.

    Not with that stupid gaping face it isn’t.

    So one engine retirement (a Honda, so no big deal) is now classified as ‘brutal?’ Amazingly robust these modern F1 cars...

    What piles of faux-vintage dross.

    A time when the cars were gorgeous but mostly broken, when the interiors were cobbled together from Fiat cast-offs and when if you wanted a spare part you had to wait eighteen weeks?

    Most Ferrari owners don’t care. Mainly because they’re driving Ferraris.

    “Fuck this guy, and fuck you if you think the rider deserved any part of this.”

    The first 30 seconds of that video are all I need to know about this game. No thanks.


    “Making motorcycle journalism not suck any more” apparently doesn’t include looking at pictures.

    While I’m sure that it’s a remarkably rapid and potent car, it’s not really in the same league as the hypercar triumvirate. Mainly because anything more tha 15 minutes on a highway in this little rattletrap will probably make you want to eat your own face.

    Ferrari 550 Maranello. Seven tonne clutch, hideous visibility and an extremely uncooperative transaxle shift between first and second.

    I’m conflicted. I like the result, but if I find you cardboarding my car, you’re getting my spare wheel rammed into your pooper, and that fucker’s a full size too, none of this space-saver nonsense.

    I certainly do. It’s a soft, doe-eyed kitty bike designed not to scare hipsters who are afraid of anything capable of lifting a wheel under acceleration.

    Which still has literally nothing in common with the Ducati Scrambler, barring it’s cuddly newbie friendly market positioning.

    How in the name of all that is reasonable is a liquid-cooled, DOHC 4 valve parallel twin identical to an air-cooled SOHC, 2 valve l-twin?