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    Digital instruments! Oh bless, you’re finally making your way into competitive motorsport from the nineties! Don’t tell me, one day you’ll be able to use overhead camshafts and independent suspesion too? Then it’ll be like the space age from the future!

    Say “back in the day” one more time, I dare you.

    The old one was utterly dismal. This might be a bit better.

    Isn’t this missing a “Commercial Team” byline?

    Fun fact, Italians call the ducktail on the Porsche a duck bill.

    Have a star, but you deserve so much more.

    Florence, Italy.

    I put $18k into my Maranello when it bent a couple of valves. Worth it.

    DGR can fuck itself directly in the poo chute. I was told to leave because my bike was not in keeping with the image they had in mind. Moronic elitist hipster dick sockets.

    Seriously? A plate of cold vomit with a stick and a diesel sticker is enough for you lot isn’t it?

    You lot would buy a plate of slightly soggy shit if it had a manual transmission. Amazing.

    What unsufferable piles of shit. I’m not normally one to approve of the police targeting one specific group of road users, but those moronic lumps of idiocy and the demented fuckmooks who drive them deserve it all.

    Too much front brake. This whole ‘not having motorcycle journalism suck any more’ is a bit short on knowing how motorcycles actually work isn’t it?

    I don’t think so, they were shit, particulate-emitting, 200rpm useful power band, smelly, noisy cans of annoyance before the scandal.

    They were positively fizzing over the TDIs they tried on these pages until but a few weeks ago. Specifically the ones imported into the USA.

    And yet Jalopnik has been a bastion of these oil-burning rattletraps for years. Oh my how fickle the internet is!

    Good riddance.


    Can the ‘Making motorcycling journalism not suck’ manifesto be edited to a simpler, more honest ‘let’s shit on sportsbike riders by taking indirect shots at them all the time.’ It would save us all so much time.

    Vadim Kogay is also a professional race car driver. Holding a professional race car license does not automatically make you good at it.