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    What is this desperate attempt to ape Top Gear? Same moody images, same idiotic, clarkson-esque speech cadence. For the love of God, do your own thing! Regular Car Reviews are so irritating they make me want to eat my own face, but at least that weirdo’s plowing his own furrow.


    It was all going so well until dubstep. Oh well, at least it’s proof that even electronic systems emit flatulence.

    Short term it’s definitely the right thing to do, the longer game is not so good, Winterkorn was doing really solid work.

    Those Z/28s proved so incredibly successful on the international racing scene. The world was practically awash with people charging to victory in their Camaros.

    Absolutely nothing.

    How is this worse than people being killed by defective ignition switches? I genuinely don’t understand.

    Isn’t the whole speedblock thing getting a bit boring?

    Are you fucking kidding me? GM killed people through negligence. VW hoodwinked some gullible idiots who bought diesels. How in the name of all that is reasonable does that make any fucking sense???

    Better than the other gin palaces? Yes.

    Sooo much worse than tyre pressures being out of spec or un-sanctioned tests. Naughty Ferrari.

    Another feature for the ‘I really wish I could pay less attention to my driving, can’t wait for the autonomous car’ brigade.

    I’m talking about torque happening fairly high in the rev range for what should be the epitome of low down torque (big v-twin). If I need to be revving to 7000rpm for big twist, then I might as well have big top end too.

    BMWs make your head spin...

    Peak torque within 2000rpm of peak power, thereby repeating what they got wrong with the original 1199 Panigale. Ducati know they ballsed that engine up, the Pani went to 1299 to get some more low down shove and the Multi’s gained variable valve timing for much the same reason. They don’t appear to have made the same

    I actually own a bike which raced there during the 2008 Supermoto World Championship. The team I bought it from are completely in love with the place.

    No. Just no.

    This artificial flatulence has got to end. You’re not fooling anyone.

    I’ve heard good things about napalm.

    Monster became S4, which became S4R, which became S4Rs.