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    Theoretically I’d agree with you. In actual fact the EBR was very much a poor relation to anything coming out of Europe and Japan, the quality of the components, the welding and the assembly were miles off.

    Stupid Firestone tyres.

    I’ll believe it when I see them.

    It had better drive like some sort of miracle because it looks extremely boring.

    I just shed a little tear. I need to go and fit some stage 3 nitrous to something.

    Missing the usual Shep McAllister/ADVERTISING TEAM byline isn’t it?

    Am I the only one who finds this man tragically annoying? I’ve tried to watch his videos a bunch of times because he was getting so much love on Jalopnik but I just can’t.

    “Lightweighting” vehicles? Seriously???

    I saw my first S4 in 2006, classic rallies are the best! :)

    No, it never got smoother than that. The first time I saw one in action was actually frightening. Car exits corner, there is an explosion, car is elsewhere.

    Stay classy FCA.

    I know what wasn’t the best bit of the race. The Ferraris getting the sum total of jack shit tv coverage.

    All Ferraris catch fire.

    Shouldn’t this be authored by Shep Whateverthefuckhislastnameis and the Advertising Team?

    The Porsche piece is far from goofy, it serves a purpose. Sure it might not be the prettiest thing there, but it is a functional device.

    Very cool, but it would be even cooler if it was delivered with basic steel wheels because the company knows that customers will ditch them and fit whatever they want for rallying, like Mitsubishi did a few years ago on their basic Evos (which also featured crap seats).

    I am really in awe of your skills Mate. The same five stories, spun ad infinitum and yet you make them seem fresh every time!

    Better. They are however useless at anything other than fully committed fast riding. This is my third SXV550, the first two were normal road bikes, this is an ex Supermoto World Championship factory-supported bike so it’s even less practical. If you want to ride on the road get one of the slightly calmer models on

    Quite a few cluttering the garage.