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    Fast on the straights, slow in the corners.

    My exes didn’t give two shits about cars, however if I were to encounter them with a station wagon with a baby seat in the back they would probably not like that.

    I’m all for a different approach to motorcycle journalism. But please don’t turn this into yet another Bike Exif-style Deus/Hipster/Postmodern enjoyment circle jerk. The internet has plenty of that already.


    Start the video at 58 seconds to save yourself a bunch of de rigeur youtube establishing shot crap.

    And yet somehow Hamilton will continue to receive way more information than everyone else and not a thing will be done about it.

    Any BMW fan who isn’t an E30 BMW fan.

    Constable Williamson looks so Canadian he probably sweats maple syrup.

    Number six gets me very annoyed. Number two usually elicits “I don’t know, when I run out, I buy more” as an answer, which confounds and annoys.

    Drop it down a couple and piss off.


    They have just as much of a right to use it as drifters in my opinion.


    Hell yeah. Rarer, better sleeper potential, what’s not to like?

    The European spec e36 M3 was orders of magnitude better than its forbear. However I’m only too happy to perpetuate the myth that the E30 is so much better, keeps the younger ones nice and cheap.

    Not so easy without a full editing suite.

    People have been saying that for the last twenty years and it’s still there going strong. Pikes Peak seems to have its fair share of fatalities but nobody seems to get up in arms about that.

    Immediately followed by an article with the “Alfa Romeo isn’t bringing the brown diesel manual to the USA” title.

    Blah blah blah Hellcat blah blah blah.

    Yes it sounds delightful. But nobody’s going to give a shit about a 510bhp 3-series competitor in Europe. 98% of this car’s sales will be the 2.0 turbo diesel. You guys in the USA might buy a few, but I doubt it. Jalopnik isn’t really a reliable cross-section of the car-buying public and I don’t think many people are