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    Fat man falling over. Always entertaining.

    It’s not really secondary, mine doesn’t have it and I want it... :)

    Eurospares are a good lot. I’ve had quite a few conversations with them, every time they get a 550 Maranello in I’m straight on the phone to see if it’s got Schedoni fitted luggage.

    The last of the NA Ferrari V8s. A dynasty which started in the mid-seventies. Sure they dabbled with turbos during the course of the car’s evolution with results ranging from the terrible (208) to the tumescent (F40), but the for the most part, if you wanted a mid-engined Ferrari in the past forty years, you got an NA

    I know what will make my Prius more awesome! I’ll add a female sanitary product to the roof!

    Hi Torch, when you get near Siena let me know. I’ll throw the Targa Prova onto the race Mini and let you take a spin.

    That’s the one. Does my heart good every time I see the fat thieving bastard fall on his face.

    MG Maestro talking dashboard.

    Good for him for staying with it and raising the front, unlike that fat cheating bastard Nigel Stepney did back in the day when Schumacher got it a bit wrong.

    Stance tortoise needs to happen.

    Horrendous levels of body roll notwithstanding, these things (Dyanes, 2CVs) grip like nothing you’ve ever imagined. It’s downright spooky.

    I paid very little for mine and sold it for a profit, so I can’t really complain with that. But the actual automobile was a terrible thing. I never imagined that something with fewer than 20bhp could be underbraked, but the hateful little shit was! The handling was dangerous to the point of making a Beetle feel like

    Not for people who want to get anywhere on time, with their hearing intact or without having risked death at every corner.

    Well I am Italian...

    Owned one for five years. Hateful little bastard of a car.

    Slow, utterly useless, charmless.

    I want one of these cars so much. They’re amazing.

    And (in Italy at least) it’s a roaring success.

    Fiat is doing a roaring trade in Italy with the Fiat Freemont, which is a re-badged Journey. It’s an absolute sales success.

    Alfa Romeo 145, it just sticks.