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    Fuck off Pastor, you aren’t talented enough for F1.

    Fifteen years from now he’ll have sold everything and be bankrupt.

    Massive respect to the guy for going through such an immensely complicated and time-consuming process to get his car into the US. After the third coded form I would have sold the damn thing and bought a Gran Sport...

    ‘Tis a corageous man who rails against the blinkered Luddite #savethemanuals mantra. I salute you sir.

    Cosworth DFV in a Fiat 1100...

    It appeared on Top Gear, it must be by them! Top Gear created the automotive universe!

    Automatic 1.8T SEL in black.

    Ferrari 488. Everybody’s going to be looking for the last of the naturally aspirated screamers. I’m willing to bet that the first iteration of the turbo V8 (yes I know it’s shared with the California, but that car doesn’t exist outside brochures) is also going to be plagued with some unreliability/fire.

    I went to mine with a motorbike.

    The time is approaching. While the oil-burning heathens may have won the day at Silverstone, the Good and Righteous gasoline-powered defenders of the faith are building their strength.

    By 3 series competitor I was referring to the same class, not the same car.

    I’m very jealous sir. I hope you enjoy it! I think the 4C is the right approach to the US market, you sell a niche model which gets everyone’s pulses racing and then come in with the other stuff. But I don’t think Alfa can break into the market with more mainstream stuff, the competition is just too stiff in the USA.

    People don’t buy different. People buy quasi-luxury small sedans and SUVs. Different doesn’t pay the bills. The 4C makes automotive journalists tug at their winkies but it doesn’t do shit for the bottom line.

    I’m speaking from a European perspective, for us Cadillac is a quaint irrelevance.

    No. The Alfa we need is a credible 3 series competitor with gorgeous styling, rear wheel drive, petrol engines which aren’t crap (that GM-derived V6 in the 159/Brera was fucking useless) and quality on par with its competitors. The media have been talking about this car for the past ten years, it needs to happen or

    I'm not holding my breath. To make this viable for a broad cinema audience I think it'll be dumbed down to the point of irrelevance.

    People know what I’m like, they wouldn’t dream of putting their feet on the dash or eating in my car. But you touch my radio or my HVAC and I’ll fucking kill you on the spot. It’s one of the reasons why I love the S2000, you can’t (unless you figure out the radio’s behind that little flap, but if I see you reach for

    Airbumps, or how to make the fact that 90% of people who buy Shitroens can't drive for toffee a styling motif...

    I love it, it makes me smile. Nobody seems to give two shits about LS-swapped S2Ks, E30 M3s or S-chassis cars, what difference does one lonely non-V8 Mustang make? People are going to hate on it so much, I like that. But change the paintjob please, Gulf colours are shite.