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    Oh for fuck's sake Opel. Just hurry up and die, there's a good company.

    Fulvia Coupé. Simple, elegant, timeless.

    She's jinxed it now...

    I saw it in Australia. They sound Australian to me and I lived there for five years.

    I was on holiday in Australia the first time this was aired. I was incapacitated for at least an hour.

    Now playing

    The best Australian automotive advertisement has got to be this Toyota one.

    You're absolutely right. Epic brain fart on my part.

    Ferrari forums, fountain of truth since the dawn of les internets.

    Standard reaction to the 550, 'yeah, nice, but an M5 is faster.' That's nice, run along cupcake.

    It was the first longitudinal mid-engined Ferrari, thus siring a layout and model orientation which survives to this day. It was also the progenitor of the 288GTO and the F40. The first Vetroresina ones were the first glassfibre-bodied Ferraris ever (yes, I know, Corvette had been doing it for decades!). Oh yeah, and

    I'm afraid that all you've offered is your opinion my dear boy. I know you may believe it to be a statement of fact, but I'm afraid all it is is your opinion. And we all know what they say about opinions being like arseholes now don't we?

    Have you ever driven any of the cars you cite as howlers? Shit performers? Allow me a sarcastic scoff in your general direction. And by stating that the front engined ones being hideous are you not also using entirely subjective yardsticks to colour your judgement of the cars?

    Oh for fuck's sake. Are you deliberately obtuse or just trolling? I am saying that your statement that all that a car is are a series of performance figures is misunderstanding what drives the purchasing decision.

    Eat a penis.

    Ok, I'll try to explain further. The purchase of a Ferrari is often dictated by more than the desire for performance. For some people it's about showing off. For some it's about buying into a piece of automotive history. For some it's just about living a dream. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner so I can't draw you

    I'm afraid you don't understand Ferrari then. Performance statistics are important, granted, but they cannot be the sole yardstick on which a car is measured. As for a 458 being only minimally better than a Corvette, I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree. As for producing as many stinkers as hits, I'm afraid that

    There is so much more to a car than numbers. But I see that your pernicious butthurt towards Ferrari knows no bounds.

    Is this really the right strategy? I don't mind Ferrari building more Californias and 458s, but the LaFerrari (cringe) is a halo car and halo cars need to be exclusive. The reason people buy them is because there aren't many of them. The reason companies like Pagani and Koenigggggggsegggggggg are thriving is because

    It will diminish the exclusivity, as will the inevitable platform-sharing that Sergio will no doubt instil. The day of the Alfa Romeo-based Ferrari is coming soon.