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    First one to say Bangle gets a kick in the plums.

    I see a fundamental flaw here. You are reporting what Italia 1 has said. My old high school newspaper has more credibility.

    Ok, so it's not a Ferrari engine, but this sort of thing has been done with an old 500. [bp0.blogger.com]

    Three grand??? Is this person insane?

    Pretty sure its a Lambo dude...

    Dubstep is the sound a computer makes when it farts. What a truly hateful type of sound (you can bugger me with a splintered gatepost but I'll never call this crap music).

    The single stupidest car I have ever seen.

    See I personally think Letterman is ok, I don't think he was genuinely upset about Vettel grabbing his nuts. I just wish that sometimes he would let someone else talk.

    You can almost bottle Harris' smugness. Other than that a delightful video. I particularly like the fact that the Stratos is wearing fake Torino numberplates in an attempt to make it look like an ex-works car...

    One of the worst paint jobs I have ever had the misfortune of seeing.

    They look very nice, I'll admit it. But that kind of money on a quartz watch is just crazy in my books. They also look very similar to these (adimttedly vastly more expensive) ones... [www.giulianomazzuoli.it]

    I honestly give the square root of jack shit about MPG. Look at the bloody thing, it's stunning! And top marks for reviving the old Salzburg graphics. [upload.wikimedia.org]

    Wait, I'm sorry what?

    This reminds me of two brothers who I met when I was riding enduro in rural New South Wales. They lived on a farm about 5kms outside the nearest town and were constantly getting booked for drink driving when returning home from the local pub. They discovered that an abandoned railway line ran through their property to

    Early Mondials were indeed dire, the last few, with the engine out of the 348 were surprisingly swift. Also, are quarter mile times still the be all and end all of speed?

    I'm not altogether familiar with the dozens of permutations of LS, however these folk make a business out of dropping V8s in unsuspecting Porsches... [www.renegadehybrids.com]