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    Colin Edwards, World Superbike, 2002.

    Twelve hundred dollars isn't much cash for a roadworthy car. But the Scorpio was one of the most mind-bendingly awful piles of poo to ever leave a Ford Factory. The next generation added to that by being heroically ugly as well.

    Proper car, proper engine, proper bumpers. NP

    The car heard the words 'stance,' 'hella' and 'sick' too many times in the course of the photoshoot. The car also caught a glimpse of itself when the photographer was showing the owner some pictures. When it saw that it had been turned into a useless, riced out, stretched-tyred mook-wagon it decided that there was

    For some odd reason that picture reminds me of the rear of the Viper from the Viper TV series...

    As an owner of a 1963 MGB all I can say is CP.

    Whether you like to admit it or not, BP is an English company. It was BP's lack of safety focus, BP's lack of management accountability and general disinterest in the glaring safety fuckups of the past (hello Texas City Refinery) that ultimately led to the situation.

    I'll remember that B&H BMW slowing down onto the side of Conrod Straight as long as I live. And I've got to agree, I've always said that I want to die going through a hedge in a Ferrari, backwards, on fire.

    What is this compromise of which you speak? How dull...

    Why would you want a manual transmission in a compact soft roader with the dynamic pretensions of a partially dry duvet? Oh and as for the diesel, don't get me started. I have the rare misfortune of driving a 2012 Focus 2.0 diesel and the engine is one of the most frightfully frustrating things I have ever

    I couldn't remember the name of the first truly epic car game I played. This is the one. I am forever in your debt.

    In which case he deserves his car being whacked into a tree. Any reasonable intelligent person would NOT let his mate attempt a burnout in his prized ute.

    Warms the cockles of my heart to see how concerned the passenger was for the wellbeing of his fellow inbred idiot...

    Thanks for the link. Looking at those pictures gave me a better understanding of what donks are about. But good grief, reading the descriptions made my nails bleed.

    How are these Mercs not perceived as solid? My 500E has just turned 20 and still feels solid as a rock. As for this car, Nice Price, any day of the week.

    Dear Jalopnik, as a fond reader of your insighful, often funny and usually informative website it distresses me no end to see how often you now feel the need to plumb the deepest depths of weapons-grade drivel just to fill your pages. It almost makes me sad, then I remember this is the internet and I go and make

    The Swift GTi has quite a cult following in certain areas (Australia springs to mind) but really good call on the Iso Grifo, it's got all the best bits, like Sophia Loren eating hot wings...

    Does anybody have any pictures of the Stereotypical Jalopnik reader caring the square root of fuck all about the Stereotypical Lambo Owner seeing the Lambo SUV?

    It looks like they drew the front bit up to the windscreen and then thought 'bloody hell, that was hard work' and went for a beer...

    Confucius say: Polishing turd still leave you with turd...