
It’s 2016. Beaver hasn’t had fur in years.

So many pussy jokes so little time.

Ehh, I suppose it’s her prerogative. She can do what she wants to do.

2016 made Godwin’s law irrelevant.

since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.

Looks like another victim of a ...

Make a 25 minute long youtube video walking around your yard about it.

look how can we blame the campaign when there haven’t been any contemporary examples of extraordinarily run campaigns that leaned heavily on ground game, grassroots tactics

And don’t forget that Mango Mussolini is now Time’s person of the year.

He might just be testing the waters of nationwide tolerance for this sort of thing.

One of the worst things about treatment resistant depression is the insistence that “you just have to find the right med cocktail!” when you’re taking more pills than your 90-year-old grandmother, have side effects that make you even more depressed and that no doctor gives a shit about, your own therapist says she

It’s both mentioned and linked. And I wrote a piece about it on Thanksgiving.

There’s no way Hillary rolled up a three million plus margin in the popular vote, which is where this is heading, and lost PA, WI & MI. Every other time someone won the electoral college but lost the popular vote, it was by a squeaker, by a few hundred thousand votes, but Hillary might have won the popular vote by

You’re giving Trump too much credit. He’s considering a guy named Ford for the Secretary of Transportation and a guy named Forrest for Secretary of the Interior (which manages the National Park Service).

You mean the year Obama steps down and Trump officially becomes president of the US?

Where did Israel and Palestine get peace?

Some people simply shouldn’t have children. If 99% of people either resisted societal pressure to have kids or waited until they were emotionally stable and financially prepared before having them, we’d crush poverty within 20 years.