
I imagine James Earl Jones actually buying the comic to do exactly this and laughing his head off.

Living in New York does not excuse your lack of geographical knowledge.

People have different personal preferences. If you want a micro-apartment; that’s fine. I don’t and have been fortunate to not be in a position where I needed one. There’s no need to insult people for where they prefer to live. That goes for Iowa->KC Guy too.

-signed, a midwest native who lived in Cali (Silicon Valley)

Boozing, spending, and watching other people do stuff....you sure showed him who has the more fulfilling life.

I’ve lived on both coasts and I still prefer the Midwest.

Nothing wrong with bragging about how wonderful the Midwest is.

My commute is 15 minutes when I’m not working from home. I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, I’m less than 20 minutes from the heart of the city. There are more than enough museums and cultural events here to keep anyone entertained. Plus I get Google Fiber and the view out my window is smog free rolling hillsides.

I live in downtown Atlanta in a high rise condo I’m renting out. 1600 sqft for 2000 a month. I also have access to all the nightclubs and restaurants I could ever want. Sure MARTA sucks...but that’s what uber is for. You don’t necessarily have to live in the middle of nowhere to obtain affordable housing.

As opposed to the vomit filled subway? Looking out the window into the beautiful wilderness with a family of raccoon’s that comes nightly for the bread feeding they get is better than staring into the eyes of a homeless man. 3000 bars where I will never go because people suck. museums, concerts, and cultural events

400sqft? My wife’s walk in closet is bigger than that! Jesus people, New York and other giant cities on the coasts are not worth it. Midwestern cities, like here in KC, offer nearly as much and you can get a 5800sqft house on 5 acres for under a million. Plus we have a World Series championship baseball team. And