
Well, that one's new to me. But if I never hear about the Time War again it'll be too soon.

I've never heard any real confirmation, but I strongly suspect that the fanboys are onto something. The Daleks have been wedged into weird places just to get them into the series. And we see them at least once a season.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: this movie appears to be what happens when a screenwriter sits in on a 14 year old's D&D session.

Two seasons? That's like another 5 years of VB! Awesome!

Word is turning into quite the Cassandra.

I have no idea what that girl actually looks like, and I don't particularly care. She looks terrible on that cover. I assumed it was photochoppery, but there is no definition on her skin, and the lighting is terrible.

Don't forget- Greydon Clark was also involved in Hobgoblins- an even worse movie than Final Justice (and also a pretty entertaining MST3K episode).

Corman's movies are generally pretty great, even at their schlockiest. And he didn't start out as a movie-making factory; he just rapidly developed into one. I can see Snyder going that route, especially as the CGI-price-drop continues.

I'm calling it now: Snyder is the next Roger Corman. Discuss.

The point I'm making is that there is nothing that exists on Earth that doesn't exist in far vaster quantities elsewhere. Why deal with angry natives when you can strip-mine asteroids and gas giants for practically free? Earth doesn't have any unobtanium.

If you can build ship-scale biospheres, you don't need planetary ones anymore. Need more space? Build another ship. They're isolated, so you don't have to worry about the ecological impact of expanding your territory.

Let's dispatch the realism first:

I would argue that, given the situation that we're supposed to accept: soldiers fighting a nearly hopeless battle against a superior force, the lack of humor is not realistic. Gallows humor is a natural, almost expected response to stressful situations. Whether we're dealing with life and death situations, or just a

Oh, "The Cape". You weren't the cleverest show on TV, and the rare occasions where you showed true genius seemed more accidental than intentional. You were daft, campy, and not nearly as self-aware as you probably should have been. But I'll miss your idiotic plots and hammy acting. I won't miss Trog, though.

io9 was very enthusiastic about the show. Yeah, they poked fun at it- but it was a funny show. Its biggest failing was that it sometimes tried to hard to take itself seriously. So bad it's good.

Well, 7x is pretty close. But anyone who actually thought that they'd be seeing a 9x improvement across the board is a special kind of gullible. That's not just Apple, that's the tech industry. They'll find the benchmark that supports the stats they want to push, and claim that's the key benchmark. Same as it ever was.

Should my bank do this, they will lose me as a customer. Since they're not a US bank (they're a US division of a UK-based bank), I can hope that they're a little smarter than that.

Are you sure this isn't a repost site? Because that constitues about 70% of the articles lately.

While I'm generally not one to whine about the design, I have to admit that there's an irony in this badly designed site wanking about bad design.