
It's plenty canny. But it certainly is an Unsmurfy valley, thanks to the smurfing smurfheads behind this smurfbrained smurfup.

@Scaramanga9: No, it started as just plain bad. It had to get much worse before it sounded actually entertaining.

I call that "Kirking a computer".

Man. "The Cape" sounds like it's veering way out into "so bad it's good" territory.

@LastAndLeast: Or scaling it for screen reading. That whole thing was awful.

A toilet is not something I enjoy? Any real man knows that the happiest moment of his existence is when he drops an epic log in the toilet.

@antonchigurh: The DoP should have won every award possible. The camera work was amazing.

I still haven't actually figured out how parrying works… I always attack.

@antonchigurh: It's not so much a movie as much as it's a pre-processed movie-like product.

@TheDarkWayne: Aside from that line, I found the tone to basically be that "Yes, it's brain candy, and it was _fun_ brain candy."

I've only played with the reverser, but I find that it's very... tetchy. It constantly spazzes out and never settles on the words its actually seeing.

@hrnghl: I think you may be onto something with the frequency. Recycling ideas isn't a problem, but there's such an overwhelming mass of recycled ideas out there.

Why has it become so difficult to make a fun movie these days? I suspect it has something to do with design-by-committee, and perhaps with the industrialization of special effects. Once upon a time, special effects was a MacGyver-esque specialty. Today, it's a push-button process. Directors can make any shot they

@antonchigurh: That was kind of the author's point- it was once _fun_ junk sci-fi, now it's bland and flavorless junk sci-fi.

In my layman's knowledge of QM, I avoid thinking of spin as having anything to do with spinning. Because it just confuses me.

@FrankN.Stein: How else would we tell if they're Dead or Alive?

They're worried about the Clan detonating a FADM in a populated area.

@wobblesmith: There's not even enough of that.

There isn't any character development. There's a lot of talking, but no real character development.

@stre: The gameplay is pretty repetitive, but I'm not bored yet. The bad guys scale up and get more challenging, despite the basic moves and formula for beating them being the same. It's got sort of a Punch-Out thing going- each baddie has a pattern that you need to learn.