
I want fire-and-forget, packaged goods. I want to give you my money once for the game I want to play. I will then play that game. I may play it many times. I may come back to it again in the future. I may lend it to a friend.

I saw this commercial. It permanently destroyed aoeuidh brain parts. Er, oeuid brain parts. ARG! PARTS OF MY BRAIN. BIG ONES.

My predicition: "The Cape" will be retarded, fun, and canceled after four episodes.

I'd actually be concerned about the fire-hazard aspect of these doors.

@Rusty Hawk: I hope you aren't contagious, because you are seriously ill.

An animated Deadpool movie would kick ass. I think it would be better than live action. You could get away with a higher body count in a PG-13 animated movie than even an R movie, at least if you were creative.

@Nihilexistentialist: It's been years, but I remember a pretty rapid attrition of characters.

@aclezotte: I haven't shaved with a straight-razor. I have however, switched to shaving with a safety-razor since my last comment here. It still doesn't get completely smooth, but as my skill improves, so does my shave.

@D0ct3r: Real nerds have their computers set up to record their TV shows anyway.

I doubt it. The more prosaic explanation is that OREOS is up and running and that they hope to find some exciting discoveries in the near future.

The show needs more zombies.

@D0ct3r: Friday is traditionally the "death slot", but that's more network TV, not cable.

@twophrasebark: Yes, it did appear foolish. When the episode first aired, I said to myself, "That was stupid. I hope they all die." As someone with a little bit of outdoorsy experience, I recognized the blatant foolishness of what they were doing.

@twophrasebark: It does sound like a death sentence when the only shelter you have is a single shuttle with a door that can't be closed, and you don't have the survival skills to build a better shelter.

@BoxOfScraps: In some sectors, it derives from the fact that the Hebrews would not say the name of god.

@twophrasebark: Actually, in the Eden episode, they were told "Hey, winter's coming and you're woefully unprepared. You're likely to die horribly."

@twophrasebark: It's less about "people of faith" and more about "people who make decisions on faith". Which is a pretty shitty way to make decisions, you have to admit.

The whole "Eden" plot, when it originally came around irked the hell out of me. And I was very hopeful that Caine and his friends would all die horrible deaths.

@reducks: I haven't played it yet, but I totally will at some point.