
@oddseth: May I give you some advice? Just a little friendly pointer.

One thing: I've had some EHX pedals. They suck. Oh, they sound great, and if you're doing studio work, I'm sure they're very nice. But they're flimsy as anything- my EHX Holy Grail reverb pedal went from being rectangular to being a parallelogram after two rehearsals. I switched no a Line6 reverb pedal and haven't

@Yinzers Are People Too: Off-topic, I absolutely love your handle. Yinz gahn dahntahn ta Permannys far sahm Arn Citty n'at? N'then gahn ta tha Narth Share fer dem Stillers?

Wow. Motorola has officially made Apple look generous in comparison.

@Logan5: Historians that do this are about as respected as creationists in scholarly circles.

While it had some great moments, as an episode, it falls flat. You could grab random 3-minute slices, and pretty much any one of them would be gold. But watch it end to end, and it feels mediocre.

@L3G10N: Actually, since I'm pretty sure a plot-point will revolve around being lost in a dream, you're probably right.

Ariadne? Really? Cool name, but more than a little pretentious.

God, these doomsday stories are depressing. Mostly because they're idiotic.

Rogen was great in "Freaks and Geeks". So great, in fact, he plays the same character in everything else.

Rogen was great in "Freaks and Geeks". So great, in fact, he plays the same character in everything else.

@Chris Braak: There is that, but I imagine that if you're outfitting an invasion fleet, there's a lot of things that you just don't want to waste precious Dalek labor on. Figure in the early days of their restoration after VoD, they might conquer a few planets and enslave the populace to mine resources.

@fistrodisco: While they have some overlap, I'd hardly call them "parallel". Nobody who wants an iPhone is going to buy an iPad instead, or vice versa.

@Chris Braak: You may have noticed that the Daleks lack opposable thumbs. How, exactly, do they build those spaceships?

@fistrodisco: That's life. The question isn't "did Apple release something better than the iPad," it's, "were you satisfied with the iPad when you purchased it?"

Moffat is a little bit like AC/DC. Sure, they only have one song, but man- it's a great song.

@ggodo: The third one, obviously.

@twDarkflame: I've never replaced a battery in a cellphone or laptop. They tend to last about as long as the device itself does, in my experience. My iPhone3G battery is strong enough to last the day with my usage patterns, and it's over two years old. The plastic back-plate, on the other hand, is starting to crack

@wickednick: Maybe I'm too generous, but I doubt that's why they don't include features. To my eye, it looks like continuous gradual improvement, which is business speak for, "let's get to market NOW, and we'll get something better out the door later."