
@bluehinter: I'm trying. Gotta sneak up on her with it.

I'm not sharing mine. She's awesome, though, even if she refuses to watch Doctor Who that was made after '05ish.

Even more important, Kirk always detonates the computer by telling it something like "This statement is false." My wife and I refer to that as "kirking" a computer.

Wow, I glanced at the headline and saw "What DVD box sets are you masturbating over"

Grand Moff Doctor frowns on these shenanigans.

@RedHulkOnSilverSurfersBoard: I haven't gotten an iPhone4 yet, but if I wanted a phone with a case, I would have gotten a phone that had an integral case. One of the major selling points of the iPhone is that it looks nice. If I wanted it to look ugly, I would buy an ugly phone!

@tkuhl87: I understand. Because it should friggin' work to begin with.

Has anyone tried covering the antenna bits with clear nail polish? I'm in no rush to upgrade, but it just seems like anything that can break the conductivity is going to solve the problem. Perhaps Apple will be releasing iPhone4s with some enamel over the antenna in the near future.

I haven't seen, She's Out Of My League, but Alice Eve wasn't the best part of the film- Pittsburgh was.

@Graviton1066: And that has happened how many times? And even if it had become "a thing", there's a huge gap to cross between "this guy made art that pleases people (and was insane)" and "let's go find insane people and exploit them for art".

@Graviton1066: But VanGogh isn't mentally ill. He's dead. If someone were trotting around a lunatic and having him perform for an audience, or selling his works, or what-have-you, you'd have an argument. But VanGogh didn't gain any recognition until he was dead.

@Graviton1066: For something to be wrong, there must be some harm. What is the harm?

@Graviton1066: He's dead. I just think that's worth pointing out- he is quite beyond caring what we do with his art.

I honestly think that this episode had one crippling weakness: the jaunt to the future. It was just too heavy handed. Bill Nighy's adorational soliliquy felt less like a museum employee telling us about Van Gogh, and more like the writer teleporting in to explain to us why we should really care about Van Gogh- despite

@otus: Adding a new TLD is relatively trivial. Promoting and selling it, on the other hand, is a huge effort and expense. You're right- the only people this actually helps is the registrars.

@MacktasticJohnIsAPromotionWhor...: Except that this does nothing to "protect kids". And let's be realistic: your average ten year old knows more about finding porn online than their parents do about blocking it.

@MacktasticJohnIsAPromotionWhor...: Again, that assumes that people are going to set their porn sites up on .xxx, despite not having any real motive to do so.

@otus: It's an expense of effort without benefit. And not a trivial amount of effort. It makes things more complex without benefit. It establishes a bad precedent for other types of content. It confuses an already confused public about the meaning and value of TLDs.

@otus: No it won't. Every porn site on a .xxx domain will also be on a .com domain, if not more.

@Cintax: My point is that TLDs don't work that way. It isn't what they're for, it isn't how any other TLD works. Why is .xxx going to magically draw all of the porn over to it? They've already got perfectly good domains on the existing TLDs. The only people who are interested in this are the people who think that this