
YT approves.

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): See, as someone who aspires to some creative arts, taking apart fiction and seeing what does and doesn't work, and discussing it, is just… well, what I do. SGU has a lot more bad to discuss than good, and that's not my fault- but it's still worth discussing.

@ElimGarak: If I were Moffat, I'd take that as praise. It's the best season since 05, hands down.

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): In defense of ElimGarak, I do this with SGU, and the reason is because I really want to like it. When I rip on the show, it's because I'm pointing out what I didn't like so that it can go away (because the writers totally read io9 comments, right?).

@Annalee Newitz: Heh, I'm 90% indifferent to her, but since her name has been attached to, well, nothing good, that remaining 10% is dedicated to hate.

@lazerus72: "even if"? Doesn't she have to actually be "supposedly decent" for that "if" to matter?

BlandSolar's website looks totally legit. I get no sense of scammery or flimflammery in their sales approach, or the miles of copy they scatter across disorganized columns with clip-art.

@cyber★: I'm a little less generous- I think most of the kvetching comes from people habituated to everyone in the Universe fawning over the Doctor the instant he walks into the room.

@cyber★: Many people I've talked to (especially on io9) really dislike her character, at least. "Arrogant" is a common objection.

@cyber★: I'm glad I'm not the only one that really likes her and her character. She seems rather unpopular among the fans.

Ridiculous scale for finales for Doctor Who make me sad. You don't need to have universe destroying threats to carry the story- to the contrary, they don't carry the story anyway. They just bog things down with an abstract threat.

@KEPinion: There are plenty of other westerns. Honestly, I prefer A Fistfull of Dollars to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

@BlueBeard: I hadn't finished my coffee when I posted that. And I've been writing a western story starring "Jonas", and it's a bit fantastical.

@Srynerson: Good blocking and chromakey can solve it. Yes, it would be a hassle, but the show keeps promising me something new. Well, that would be new!

@smashing: My wife knit me a Tom Baker scarf. Because she is awesome.

I gave up on Jonas Hex awhile ago, but honestly, you know what I'd like? A good western.

@smashing: The outfit is symbolic of his personality. It's not clothes, it's traits. Besides, Smith has been changing clothes- his shirt and tie go between blue and red, depending on which direction you're looking at him from.

@0tak1n9: I think it'll be balanced by the "ranged units actually have range" mechanic. You don't need to stack up units, since you can put a butch melee unit in front of your archers, and let the archers soften up the enemy units without risking the archers directly.

You really believe that they were ever going to let TJ give birth? Not going to happen. I never believed that for one second, because that would be a consequence that lasts for more than an episode. And SGU doesn't do that. The only actual change, all season, is the arrival of the Lucians.