
@Thorax: And even he's having second thoughts…

@Dan2593: I'm just meaning "in general". RTD likes to throw everything around and doesn't like to make sense. Moffat tends to prefer tighter writing and less spectacle. This is based on the various episodes that they've penned- RTD's only "subtle" episode was "Midnight". Moffat tends to have lots of subtlety.

Mark my words, this movie will not make its target release date. In fact, it will get delayed for over a year, so that it hits theaters on 12/21/2012.

The scope of the finale for Doctor Who is a little worrying. Big sprawling episodes that throw everything in the air and only worry about the whys and hows of half of it are an RTD thing, not a Moffat thing. And they're not a thing I like.

@Lassus: Which is to say, he isn't annoying. Which was Mickey's primary character trait. Sure, when Mickey returned from the Steampunk world, he was actually interesting and useful. But he was in 100% guest-star territory at that point.

@BeowulfRex: Um... yeah. No, he's fine. Totally fine. Tip-top. I don't know what I was saying.

@Mav: I'm mixed on that. I figure they'll probably be bringing him back, happy ending and all that. At the same time, I love consequences in my fiction. Rory was killed at his most popular. It'd be more powerful to keep it that way.

The Pandorica looks fantastic.

@Sigismond0: The Valeyard is only a potential future of the Doctor. His introduction back in the day was built around the idea that the Time Lords would turn him into a "real boy" if he dealt with the Doctor for them.

@Sigismond0: Time travel. The Valeyard can show up.

@James Cain: I wish. I have this incredible weakness: I can't actually bring a writing project beyond the "idea" phase.

@Lazarus: I stopped watching DS9 well before that point. I see it as more Master and Commander with more of an emphasis on science and exploration in place of militarism. Although perhaps the Captain should be an ex-military type.

@antiphoney: The idea initially arose because my wife and I were playing one of our favorite games: "How do you make Voyager without having such a sucky setup?"

Or, we could have something new. Something that, perhaps, pays tribute to Trek.

@Mark 2000: Of course, in that scenario, the outcome of WWI would have been different, so it's entirely likely the Nazis would never have come to power in Germany. The Germans "surrendered" because Wilson was attempting to broker an end to the war without declaring a victor. The Central Powers could have done better.

@palmerkun: The "need" is irrelevant. The general populace has them, and they can be trivially manufactured with 17th century technology. Anyone who wants one could make one without much effort.

@palmerkun: Yes, but we've had guns for centuries, and it doesn't look like a better weapon is going to be replacing them in the near future.

@atrus123: It's a very respectable run. Not gigantic, no, but respectable.