
Well, for the first time, I'm interested in the outcome of a basketball game. Go TeamCurrentlyInTheLead! GO!

@atrus123: Mmm... "Arrested Development" got three seasons. Three dicked around seasons, sure, and it could have gone for longer, but three seasons isn't "before its time".

@Augure: No. While it varies by state, in most states, long arms require no permits or documentation. Many states require a permit for handguns, but not all.

@Senshi34: It was good. 150mw is dim enough that you can use it without worrying about causing instant blindness, but bright enough to be impressive.

Imagine using this laser for holography. I do think that the high frequency and the high energy mean that one could do holographic exposures in significantly shorter periods of time.

@thebluepill: They can't radio back if there's no air to talk with.

@antipaganda: "Acceptable losses". You're defending against an invading force, and that's the wrong time to start getting touchy-feely about it. Losing Rush would have hindered the long-term operations of the Destiny crew, but Rush could have easily been rescued killing the stone connection. Which means Telford would

I dunno, "The Lodger" looks like it could be charming. It won't be "Fear Her", it will hopefully be one of those lighter, almost comedic episodes, but not "Love and Monsters".

@ElimGarak: As I said elsewhere, Young exhibited Janeway-level leadership, justifying my slight against the series: "Stargate : Voyager".

The previous week's episode was tense, exciting, and set up a great deal of interesting dilemmas. This week shat all over them.

@sakamatana5: The oil wouldn't just smother wildlife, but also give them herpes?

That diagram confuses more than it informs.